Renfrewshire Council

Do one thing to improve your financial wellbeing

A message to colleagues this Talk Money Week.

Fairer Renfrewshire Lead Officer, Diane Dunn, shares her message to council colleagues for this year's Talk Money Week.

"The Money and Pensions Service is asking people to 'do one thing' to improve your finances this Talk Money Week.

"We know that everyone has been impacted by higher costs of living over the last few years. More people are struggling to pay their bills and may have borrowed more than usual or have higher mortgage or rent costs to contend with.

"In my line of work, I hear about people who are affected by money worries every day and it's something that can have a detrimental effect on anyone, regardless of their background or job.

"I'd like to take this opportunity to remind colleagues that there are council and partner services available to help. There's no judgement, only support.

"If you are worried about money, the one thing we'd like to encourage you to do is to come forward for advice. Local services, like our own Advice Works or the Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau can support any Renfrewshire Council staff member.

"The services are free and confidential and can help you take control of your money. They can check you're getting any benefits you're entitled to and support you if you're struggling with debt."

You can get more advice and information about help taking care of your financial, mental, and physical wellbeing on our employee wellbeing hub.

Visit our employee wellbeing hub.

Published Thursday 07 November 2024