Social Media House Rules
We use the following social media platforms:
Most social media channels have their own rules and guidelines, which we always follow. We also have our own house rules to help you engage with us in a safe and appropriate way.
We have set out these rules because we value fairness and we believe everyone should be treated with respect on our social media channels. We care about getting things right and we want to help and work with you to improve our services and create a better Renfrewshire for everyone.
Dos and don'ts
- Only post information you are happy for everyone to see
- Be civil, tasteful and relevant
- Don't swear or use offensive language
- Don't post anything unlawful, libelous, harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane, sexually oriented or racially offensive
- Don't incite, condone or encourage anything that could result in a criminal offence, civil liability or breaches any laws regarding competition
- Don't post inappropriate images or threatening, abusive, harassing, blackmailing or bullying messages online
- Don't post misinformed or misleading information, comments, replies or links
- Don't be rude and/or aggressive to members of our team, they are doing everything they can to help you
- Don't post links or direct others to sites containing viruses, corrupted files or anything that could damage or interfere with computer hardware or software, or to material which is offensive, or which may breach the terms of use of the relevant social media account
- Don't post content copied from elsewhere which you don't own the copyright for
- Don't post the same message, or very similar messages, more than once, also called "spamming"
- Don't publicise your, or anyone else's, personal information, such as contact details
- Don't advertise products or businesses
- Don't impersonate someone else
Failure to follow our House Rules will result in comments and posts being removed. We reserve the right to ban anyone who repeatedly breaks our House Rules from posting and commenting on our channels.
Messages to our social media accounts are not monitored. If you have an emergency and need assistance, contact our services using the emergency contact numbers listed here.
We do not use AI to produce any type of content, posts, statements, comments, images, videos, advertisements or replies for our social media channels. Everything posted has been written and produced by a member of our team.
When you speak to us on social media, you are also speaking to a member of our team.
Social media should not be used for formal complaints. You can make a complaint online here.
Be Kind
Please remember to be kind, members of our team are working hard to deal with your enquiries and will respond when they have an answer for you. Anyone who is repeatedly rude and/or aggressive to members of our team will be banned from commenting and posting on our channels.
'Following' or 'Liking' another organisation or individual doesn't mean that the Council endorses them.
The views and opinions posted by others in our social media accounts are their own and not those of Renfrewshire Council.
While we try to ensure that the information on our sites is current, we can't guarantee that the information provided on our social media accounts will be complete, accurate or up-to-date.
Updated: 7 January 2025