Renfrewshire Council

Funding for artificial pitches for sports or outdoor play

What it is, how much you could get, who can apply, what to do before you apply, how to apply, what happens after you apply.

What the Artificial Pitches Grant Fund is

Outdoor play and sports are important for our local communities.

We have almost £800,000 to fund projects that will bring more artificial pitches, or playing surfaces, to Renfrewshire.

We're taking applications for the Artificial Pitches Grant Fund now. We'll keep taking applications until we've awarded the entire fund to projects that best meet the criteria.

You can email us at if you have any questions.

How much you could get

Depending on your project, you could get up to £400,000.

Who can apply for it

You can apply for this fund if your organisation either:

  • owns land
  • has a long-term lease on some land
  • has a community asset transfer already underway.

You cannot apply if your project is for land that's owned by the council, such as schools or public parks without the above permissions.

Your project should be for artificial pitches, which could include a range of different surface types. We'll consider funding for structures or accessories like fencing, goals, and floodlights, but these should be funded by another source, if possible. The main purpose of this fund is for the pitches themselves.

This fund is meant for organisations that already have match funding, or to help organisations get match funding. You can double the amount of funding you get by having match funding. This is when another organisation offers to give you funding based on a second organisation offering the same/similar amount.

This fund is for organisations to complete their advanced projects. It's not for small projects or new projects that need help getting started.

Before you apply

Criteria you'll need to meet when you apply

Before you apply, make sure you can tell us how your project will meet these criteria.

Positive impact

  • You've identified that the community needs and supports your project.
  • You've explained the benefits your project will bring to the community.
  • You've explained the impact your project will have and how you'll know whether you've achieved the benefits.

Fit with the fund objectives and criteria

  • Your project meets some or all of the fund objectives, which are listed below. Projects that meet the most objectives are more likely to receive funding.
  • Your project supports the strategic priorities of Renfrewshire Council and the 'Our Renfrewshire' community plan.
  • Your project complements existing facilities and provisions in the local area. It should not duplicate existing services if you cannot show a need or demand from the local community for more facilities or provisions.

Viable and sustainable

  • You can demonstrate how your project is financially viable by having or arranging a feasibility study.
  • Your organisation has the appropriate skills, experience, qualifications, and access to the resources required to deliver the project and sustain its benefits. If not, you should have a plan for engaging the people and accessing the resources you need.
  • Your organisation has suitable governance arrangements in place for the scale of the project. You should have clear succession plans in place for the recruitment of board members or trustees.
  • Your organisation has the agreement of the landowner and the relevant permissions and licenses to deliver the project.

Good working relations

  • You can demonstrate that you're able to develop and sustain good working relationships with others.
  • Your organisation has a commitment to partnership working.

Value for money and additional funding

  • You can demonstrate your project's value for money.
  • You're able to identify and secure other funding sources to support your project's development, including additional funding.
  • You can demonstrate an appropriate plan or funding available for ongoing repairs and lifecycle maintenance.

Fund objectives

Here are the Artificial Pitches Grand Fund's objectives. Make sure you can tell us how your project meets some or all of the fund objectives when you apply.

  • Pitches may facilitate multi-sport activities, if possible, and be open and available for communities to access at weekends and evenings.
  • Environmental and financial sustainability should be at the core of each project.
  • Local communities should support the delivery of improved community provisions for sports. They should be aware of how a project will benefit their community.
  • Each project should increase the levels of external funding brought into Renfrewshire from partner sports funders.
  • Each project should strengthen community capacity in Renfrewshire and increase participation in sports.
  • Pitches should be fully inclusive and usable in most weather conditions.
  • New pitches must be on land already secured by the applicant, or there should be a community asset transfer already underway.

Supporting evidence and information you'll need to provide

When you apply, you'll need to tell us:

  • basic information about your organisation and its governance arrangements
  • a detailed description of your project, including timelines
  • which tier of funding you're applying for
  • the costs associated with your project
  • the outcomes of your project and how you'll measure these.

To do this, you'll need to provide the following evidence with your application:

  • a bank statement less than 3 months old
  • a copy of your organisation's most recent annual accounts or income and expenditure statement
    • These should be less than 15 months old, dated and signed as approved.
    • Or you can provide a link to an OSCR or Companies House submitted file.
  • a signed, dated copy of your organisation's constitution or memorandum and articles of association
    • Or you can provide a link to an OSCR or Companies House submitted file.
  • any other reports or information to support your application as supporting evidence, ideally in electronic formats, including:
    • media coverage or press cuttings
    • images
    • past publicity materials
    • reviews and letters or support
    • completed consultations with results to demonstrate community support
    • results of any surveys or professional opinions
    • business cases or plans.

How to apply

Download and fill in the grant application form for voluntary and community organisations.

Email your completed form, along with your supporting evidence as attachments, to

If you prefer, you can post your form and supporting evidence to:

FAO Lorraine Campbell
Renfrewshire House
Cotton Street

After you've applied

We'll review all applications and award funds to projects that best:

  • meet the application criteria
  • meet the fund objectives
  • provide relevant supporting evidence.

We'll aim to contact you within 1 week of receiving your application.