Funding for villages, green spaces, parks and play areas: how to apply
Application form for community and voluntary organisations, what supporting evidence we need, how to submit your application, what happens next.
You'll need to complete the
.What supporting evidence we need
You need to provide:
- a bank statement less than 3 months old.
- a copy of most recent Annual Accounts or Income and Expenditure Statement. These should be less than 15 months old, dated and signed as approved. You can provide a link to an OSCR or Companies House submitted file.
- if you're a new organisation, you should submit estimates of income and expenditure for the first 12 months.
- a signed, dated copy of the organisation's Constitution or Memorandum and Articles of Association. You can provide a link to an OSCR or Companies House submitted file.
- any other relevant reports or information to support your application as supporting evidence, including media coverage, press cuttings, images, past publicity materials, reviews and letters of support, consultation carried out and results to evidence support of community, results of any surveys or professional opinion sought, business case or plan. This information should be submitted in electronic format where possible.
How to submit your application
You can submit your application by email at or by post at:
Grant Applications
Green Spaces, Parks and Play Areas and Villages Investment Fund
Renfrewshire Council
Cotton Street
What happens next
When you have applied, we will work with you to:
- develop a more detailed understanding of the project and organisation
- assess your proposal
Recommendations will then be developed, with the final decision on the awarding of grants made depending on the level of funding being applied for.
Grants of up to £5000 can be awarded under delegated authority by the Director of Communities, Housing and Planning, with all grants awarded will be reported to the Communities, Housing and Planning Policy Board.
Grants of over £5000 will be awarded by the Communities, Housing and Planning Policy Board following a report submitted to one of its scheduled meetings.
Community Groups can make more than one application to the fund to take forward different phases of a project.
Each application will be considered on its merits but the decision will take into account previous funding awards made,
The overall value for money being delivered for the Council as well as the performance of the applicant in relation to delivering the previous elements of the project funded.