Funding for green spaces, parks, play areas and villages: how much you can apply for
How much you can apply for, levels of funding, conditions of the grant.
How much you can apply for
You can apply for grants up to £50,000 from the Green Spaces, Parks and Play Areas Fund.
You can apply for grants up to £30,000 for village improvements from the Villages Investment Fund
Levels of funding
There are 3 levels of funding. We will consider applications for revenue or capital projects based on what the grant would be used for.
Grants up to £5,000
This is for small scale revenue or capital projects to support communities to:
- develop ideas
- get early quick wins and visible change happening
- to encourage and kick start community activity
- deliver visible environmental improvements.
Grants from £5,000 to £10,000
This is for larger scale revenue or capital projects that:
- generate sustainable physical improvements and investment in green spaces, parks and play areas and villages
- meet most if not all of the objectives of the fund
- should be able to demonstrate clear evidence of support from the wider community.
Grants over £10,000
For revenue or capital projects that will:
- deliver significant improvements and will
- be expected to have additional sources of funding or plans for securing additional funding.
Conditions of the grant
All grants will be subject to Renfrewshire Council's standard grant conditions.
We will pay the grant to the organisations or individuals named in main application form.
Grant awards are not transferable to other organisations or entities and must be used to deliver the agreed project.
For grants from £1,000 up to £10,000
All grant payments will be authorised by the Council
- subject to satisfactory compliance procedures outlined in the grant conditions
- subject to scrutiny of any grants claims and receipts/invoices by the Council.
Once agreed, all grant payments will normally be made in one or two instalments at the Council's discretion.
For grants of £10,000 or more
All grant payments will be authorised by the Council
- subject to satisfactory compliance with the bookkeeping and accounts procedures outlined in the grant conditions
- subject to scrutiny of any grants claims and receipts or invoices by the Council.
Once agreed, all grant payments will normally be made on a quarterly basis and may be paid in advance at the Council's discretion.