Funding for green spaces, parks, play areas and villages: what your project needs to demonstrate
What factors your project needs to demonstrate when you apply for funding.
You will need to show how your project demonstrates these factors when you apply for funding.
Positive impact
Positive impact for local communities:
- You have identified the community need and support for your project, as well as clearly showing the changes your project will bring.
- You can clearly explain the impact your project will have and how you will know whether you have achieved change.
Involvement of the wider community
The wider community are involved in the design and delivery of the project:
- You can evidence how the community are involved in the development of your idea and supportive of your plans.
- Your plans show how the community will continue to have a voice in the delivery and oversight of your project.
- You are able to demonstrate a clear commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, making sure that different types of people are supported and empowered to engage with your project.
Good working relationships
Good working relationships and partnership with others:
- You can demonstrate that you are able to develop and sustain good working relationships with others.
- You have a commitment to partnership working
Viability and sustainability
The project is viable and sustainable:
- You are able to demonstrate how your project can be financially viable.
- Your organisation has the appropriate skills experience and qualifications and access to the resources required to deliver the project and to sustain the benefit, or has a plan for engaging people and accessing the resources required.
- Your organisation has suitable governance arrangements in place for the scale of the project and has clear succession plans in place for the recruitment of Board members or trustees.
- Your organisation has the agreement of the landowner and the relevant permissions and licenses in place to allow the project to be delivered.
Fits with the fund objectives and criteria
Strategic fit with the fund objectives and criteria:
- Your project meets some or all of the fund objectives - the strongest projects will meet the greatest number of objectives.
- Your project supports the strategic priorities of Renfrewshire Council and Renfrewshire Community Planning Partnership.
- Your project is complementary to existing facilities and provisions in the local area and does not duplicate existing provision where unmet need or demand from the local community cannot be demonstrated.
Value for money and additional funding
Value for money and leverage of additional funding or resources
- You are able to demonstrate value for money.
- You are able to identify and secure other funding sources to support the development of your project, including the leveraging of additional funding into Renfrewshire.
The information and evidence required to be provided on each of these areas will be proportionate and appropriate to the scale and type of project involved.
Support is available to community groups that are looking for additional information or guidance as projects are developed.
This includes working with communities and groups that have expressed an interest in developing a project prior to a formal application for funding being made.