Green Spaces, Parks and Play Areas Fund
What the funding can be used for, what we are looking for, practical and professional support for projects and project ideas.
The Green Spaces, Parks and Playgrounds Fund will provide investment where the community can demonstrate a sustainable plan to improve and maintain the condition and use of a green space or community asset that they have a vision for.
What the funding could be used for
Examples of projects could be:
- Upgrading or developing play areas or equipment to promote access for the community and create stimulating and enjoyable environments for all ages and abilities.
- Visual and physical improvements in parks and open spaces that improve the experience of visitors and residents or enhance features and points of interest.
- Opening up areas of woodland or other open space for sustainable community access and use.
- Use of previously underused open spaces to improve the environment and provide increased leisure, art or design features or recreational opportunities.
- Development of growing grounds or allotments
What we are looking for
We are particularly seeking project ideas that can:
- Regenerate and make physical and environmental improvements to green spaces, parks and play areas and villages across Renfrewshire.
- Promote sustainable community use of green spaces, parks and play areas and villages.
- Increase levels of external funding being attracted into Renfrewshire to develop and use green spaces, parks and play areas and villages.
- Support communities to manage or deliver services in green spaces, parks and play areas and villages in Renfrewshire.
- Strengthen community capacity in Renfrewshire increasing regular participation in community events and activities.
If your group is interested in applying for funding
Groups that are considering making an application can express an interest and get guidance and support from the Communities and Public Protection Service.
They an also help guide groups to access specialist advice on how to establish an appropriately constituted community group and how to access additional external funding.
Contact: Communities and Public Protection
Telephone: 0141 618 7562
Practical support for projects
Specific practical support is also available to help groups to begin to develop and implement plans.
This can include access to tools, equipment, services and facilities needed to add momentum and impetus to their vision and give confidence that change can be delivered.
Contact the Engage Renfrewshire's Community and Voluntary Action Team on 0141 887 7707
Professional support for projects
You can also apply for professional independent support to
- carry out essential surveys
- provide information on asset condition or corresponding development opportunities
This could guide the work of community groups and lend weight and support to applications being made to external third party funding organisations.