Villages, green spaces, parks and play area projects we are funding or have completed
These are projects in Renfrewshire that we are funding or have completed through the Green Spaces, Parks and Play Areas and Villages Investment Fund.
Bishopton Community Development Trust
Purchase of Rossland Crescent Open Space
Funding: £14,000
The land facing residents has long been privately owned. Residents living there have been awarded funding to transform the space into a community seating area with plants and shrubs for residents and the wider community to enjoy.
Bonnie Bishopton
Bonnie Bishopton
Funding: £4,000
Bonnie Bishopton plan to brighten up the main thoroughfare through their village using bright flowers in planters. The group will purchase planters, mobile watering solutions, soil and all the required tools to deliver the work.
Bridge of Weir Community Council
Equipment upgrade to Lintwhite and Horsewood Parks
Funding: £12,000
Bridge of Weir Community Council upgraded 2 local parks with new play pieces specified by their community through consultation.
Charleston Tenants and Residents Association
Neilston Road High Flats - Community Garden
Funding: £10,000
Neilston Road has 3 well populated flats with a high volume of older adults residing within. The community garden has been installed in the centre and is easily accessible. The garden allows the residents to appreciate the space more, have somewhere pleasant to sit and socialise with their neighbours. The tenants are also maintaining the flower beds and planters.
Corseford Tenants and Residents Association
Corseford Underpass Project
Funding: £4,999
After a successful community project painting a mural on Corseford's underpass to make it safer and more appealing, the group were awarded funding to improve the appearance of the entry and exits to the new offering.
Corseford Planting Project
Funding: £1,800
Presenting planters and maintaining flower beds has become a regular volunteering activity for local people in Corseford, to make their community more attractive. The group were successful in an award for a container and tools which are essential to support this work.
Craigielea Park Residents Association
Craigielea Road waste ground clearance
Funding: £5,000
The Craigielea Road residents in Renfrew have been unaware for almost 20 years, the waste land close to their home was theirs. After learning this the group applied to the Fund to clear the area of overgrown and fallen trees and vegetation. Now it has been cleared, the group will find it easier to deliver ongoing maintenance.
Erskine Community Council
Refurbishment of Viewing Area at Newshot Nature Reserve
Funding: £5,000
The viewing platform within the Newshot Island Nature Reserve was restored and new signage installed to encourage increased footfall to the area. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful scenery and range of wildlife the Reserve attracts.
Erskine Community Garden
Erskine Community Garden Phase 2
Funding: £4,800
Erskine's Community Garden has established itself as a community hub within the area. This funding has allowed the group to install a labyrinth there along with new raised beds and a sensory garden. The group encourage children and young people to visit and learn about gardening and community.
Erskine Outdoor Play and Leisure
Barwood Park Improvements
(additional funding from Renfrewshire Council & the Scottish Government)
Funding: £50,000
Erskine Outdoor Play and Leisure will deliver a play park that appeal to both toddlers and older children alike. The You and Me swing will facilitate younger children to be on a swing with their parent/guardian, 2 multi-use towers will be installed, each offering exciting play opportunities for toddler and junior users.
Erskine Youth Council
Bargarran Interactive Play Park
Funding: £110k plus £50 plus £3k
Funding: £110,000 was awarded from Green Spaces to Erskine due to their Multi-use Games Arena being removed. EYC consulted with young local people and installed equipment identified, offering an innovative interactive new play offering, the first of its kind in Scotland.
Elderslie Community Council
Upgrading Queens Road Play Park
Funding: £50,000
Elderslie Community Council have been actively participating in the Fund and exploring how it can benefit their community.
Phase 2 - Teen Shelter and Outdoor Gym
Funding: £30,000
A new play park has been installed and plants to create an outdoor gym and Teen shelter are imminent.
Dunvegan Play Equipment
Funding: £10,000
The award of the Play Park increased Elderslie's appetite to explore what other benefits the fund could deliver in their community. Dunvegan Play Park has benefitted from upgraded play equipment, the biodiversity members have benefited as well as hoping to exercise in the neighbouring gym suite.
Stoddard Square Seating area
Funding: £1,145
Green Elderslie
Funding: £800
Village Signs
Funding: £1,600
Goal posts
Funding: £235
Dog fouling bag dispensers
Funding: £1,170
Railway mural
Funding: £1,140
Darkwood Crew
Village Green Community Garden
Funding: £4,820
The Darkwood Crew support their community in many ways with community and environmental issued at the heart of their project delivery. The Village Green project is constantly evolving and will deliver an offering in Ferguslie which will increase biodiversity and encourage the community to get involved.
Friends of Ferguslie Gardens
Upgrade to Ferguslie Park Gardens including outdoor gym and new play equipment
Funding: £49,000
Ferguslie Park Gardens will benefit from an outdoor gym, 2 inclusive additions, a basket swing, and a new style roundabout, and a larger multi play tower.
Stronger Communities Glenburn
Renewing Skye Crescent Park
Funding: £50,000
Together with Save the Children, RC supported and funded this project to replace the play park at Skye Crescent. A new play park was installed with 2 multi-use play towers, an inclusive orbit round-a-about and a swing rotator.
Houston Community Council
Ardgryffe Park Outdoor Inclusive Gym
Funding: £35,000
Houston Community Council will arrange for the install of an outdoor inclusive gym in Spring/Summer 2020, to be used by all ages and abilities.
Bee Happy
Funding: £4,050
Bee Happy are already well known throughout Houston for their work to improve the appearance of the village. This fund will enable to group to continue with this work and further fund their community meadow.
Houston Play Park Improvement Group
Houston Play Park Improvements (South Street Park)
Funding: £50,000 (GS)
Funding: £80,000 (VIF)
The play park at South Street mound is dated and offers little play value for local children. HPPIG intend to replace the play equipment, install an outdoor gym, and raised flower beds to improve the appearance of the entire area, as well as the value of the park to local people.
Howwood Community Council (previously Friends of Howwood Park)
Play Park
Funding: £50k
Tools & events
Funding: £2,110
Community shelter
Funding: £21,000
Village seating
Funding: £2,100
New football goals, cableway, skateboard ramps and play equipment all installed to increase footfall into the park (HCC). A new Friends of Howwood Park group was created who have secured further funds for planters, tools and a new Community Shelter (FoHP)so visitors can enjoy the Park regardless of the weather.
Other projects will be delivered throughout 2022.
Inchinnan Community Association Social Club
Resurfacing of car park
Funding: £9,100
The car park outside the bowling club is often used as an area to safely drop off school children and for people to park when exercising in the local green space.
Inchinnan Development Trust
Purchase of Teucheen Woods
Funding: £30,000
Improvements to Teucheen Woods
Funding: £15,000`
The Inchinnan Development Trust purchased Teucheen Woods to save the ancient woodlands from being offered as a development opportunity from potential house builders. The woods offer a unique skyline for the village of Inchinnan and is a diverse and thriving natural habitat for wildlife. The group will improve the natural pathway and remove non-native, invasive plant species.
Friends of Jenny's Well
Improvements to the Jenny's Well Nature Reserve
Funding: £14,100
The Friends of Jenny's Well group have already greatly improved the nature reserve by reclaiming paths, planting bulbs and removing tons of litter and flytipping from the area. Funding will allow the group to further care for the nature reserve, ridding it of non-native, invasive plant species, installing seating and picnic benches, increasing biodiversity and encouraging the surrounding community to get involved in rediscovering the beauty on their doorstep.
Johnstone Community Council
Pump Track at Thomas Shanks Park
Funding: £50,000
Thomas Shanks Park in Johnstone will offer a pump track which will provide exciting play, learning and experience for everyone interested in wheeled sports. Whether on a bike, scooter, skates or skateboard, the pump track will add a new dimension to play and practice.
Kilbarchan Community Council
Kilbarchan Park Improvements
Funding: £50,000
An outdoor gym, new goal posts and a scramble net are amongst some of the improvements to be delivered at this play park. These will add to the current offerings and further repair the locally loved cableway.
Kilbarchan Improvement Project
Repairs to The Old Library, Kilbarchan
Funding: £22,000
The Old Library is a listed and valued building in the village of Kilbarchan. Building work has been carried out, paid for by the fund, to ensure the building could safely continue to be used as a community hub.
Old Library Community Garden
Funding: £4,999
The back of the Old Library has an overgrown open space the group will transform into a community garden. More building work will also be paid to improve the surrounding wall.
Kilbarchan Smile
Mary Barbour Cairn area improvements
Funding: £1,000
The Mary Barbour Cairn is historically significant in the village of Kilbarchan. Kilbarchan Smile will install a bench on site and a raised planter to encourage local people to visit the Cairn.
Friends of Knockhill Park
Running track
Funding: £10,000
Friends of Knockhill Park consulted with their local community and were successful in bidding for a running track to facilitate local keep fit enthusiasts or those looking to get stating on a fitness programme.
Defibrillator, You and Me swing and seating
Funding: £7,371
The group installed a defibrillator into the park, a You and Me swing for young children and their guardians to enjoy play together and boosted the seating and picnic table offering in the park.
Langbank Swingpark Regeneration
Installation of multi-use games arena
Funding: £50,000 GS
Funding: £30,000 - VIF
The Langbank Tennis Court was used infrequently as it was locked to protect the onsite private bowling green.
Funding allowed the tennis court to be transformed into a MUGA and installed a clear divide to enable to MUGA to remain open while protecting access to the bowling green.
Lancraigs Parent Council
Lancraigs Playground Project
Funding: £4,875
Lancraigs Primary school offer their playground as a community asset after school hours and at weekends. There is no nearby playpark. The Parent Council used the awarded funding to paint line markings in the playground and replace the basketball hoops.
Linwood Community Development Trust
Woodlands Path Network
Funding: £4,800
In partnership with Park Run, LCDT improved the pathway through the woodlands used by the local community.
KLAS Care, Linwood
Safe cycling for the community
Funding: £35,000
KLAS Care have installed a new tarmac surface delivered with line markings to encourage play and cycling proficiency outside their premises. Although this will be used routinely while delivering care for local children, the whole community are encouraged to use the facility.
Lochfield Ladies & Gentlemen Bowling & Social Club
Installation of artificial bowling green
Funding: £50,000
There are 2 Bowling Greens on offer at Lochfield Bowling Club however one suffers from drainage issues and proves a challenge each year to have open for use. The Club members will deliver a new weatherproof, lower maintenance green to benefit the members and attract a wider audience.
Feasibility study and promotion of new green
Funding: £4,900
The Bowling Club have received information and quotes on the successful installation of an artificial bowling green, they also have funding to promote the new bowling green to their wider community.
Lochwinnoch Community Development Trust
Lochwinnoch Public Play Park upgrade
Additional funding from Renfrewshire Council and the Scottish Government.
Funding: £50,000 - GS
Funding: £30,000 - VIF
Lochwinnoch's public park will be refreshed with new additions to the play area and a cableway outwith. Included in the project are 2 new multi-play towers, new swings, a roundabout, and other new exciting pieces of play equipment.
Community Social Garden
Funding: £5,000 - Design Plans
Project status: under development
Funding: £25,000
The Community Social Garden will transform an open space in Lochwinnoch into growing grounds which will teach local people about the value and skills required to grown their own produce, provide for the local foodbank and be promoted as a place where all are welcome.
Lochwinnoch Sustainable Garden
Lochwinnoch Sustainable Garden
Funding: £1,950
The money supported a polytunnel used to ensure temperature is maintained to grown produce for the local community market and foodbank. The group generate income by creating and selling their own planters and hanging baskets etc.
Paisley FM
Signal Booster
Funding: £3,581
Paisley FM have been in discussions with the villages looking to promote events being delivered there. The radio stations signal however did not reach this far. The purchase of a signal booster will mean the station have an even wider reach.
Pals of the Privies
Phase 1 & 2 to upgrade play equipment and install an outdoor gym in Glencoats Park & tools and storage container
Funding: £50k and £50k and £5k
A Project status: completed refresh of the toddler and junior play area with a cableway and multi-use unit adding to the appeal. An outdoor gym installed to encourage adult fitness. The Pals further secured more funding for a container and tools to enhance the Council's grounds maintenance work in the park.
Renfrew Environmental Trust
Flower bed restoration in Fountain Gardens, Paisley
Funding: £4,900
Renfrew Environmental Trust will connect with the local community to encourage and educate in order to restore the Fountain Garden Flower Beds. The group will arrange for a skilled person to deliver training over a period of time and grow a range of appropriate flowers and shrubs which they will go on to maintain.
Robertson's Park Bowling Club
Irrigation System for Robertson's Park Bowling Green
Funding: £16,675
Maintaining the Robertson's Park Bowling Green is a challenge for the Club members in during long hot spells. The irrigation system would ensure the Bowling Green continued to be watered during these spells without onerous heavy lifting by the onsite members who lease the Club.
Rotary Club of Gryffe Valley
Walk for Life in Gryffe Valley Way
Funding: £4,900
The Rotary Club members noticed an increased volume of people using the Clyde Valley walkways throughout lockdown, looking to reconnect with nature, and each other. Awarded funding will provide signage and improve pathways on the route.
Sandyflats Tenants and Residents Association
Sandyflats Playpark Improvements
Funding: £50,000
The Park improvements will be installed Spring 2022 and will upgrade current structures as well as install new equipment, a cableway and 2 multi-use towers will be installed, one for toddlers and one for older children.
Spateston Tenants and Residents Association
The Spateston Community Development Trust are currently working with a Council Supplier to deliver play and sports equipment identified by their community.
Park upgrade
Funding: £50,000
Park upgrade phase 2
Funding: £40,000
Goal posts
Funding: £7,000
St Mirren Youth Football Club
Tyres fencing repair project
Funding: £5,000
The Inchinnan Playing Field used by this group suffers from ongoing flytipping and is a popular location for quad riders damaging the field used for training and games. Funding will secure the field's fence provision.
Friends of West Parent Council
In partnership with West Primary, Pre-5 Centre and St Mary's Primary school.
Upgrading Maxwellton play park
With additional funding from Renfrewshire Council & the Scottish Government.
Funding: £50,000
Replacing old play equipment with new swings including basket swing, 2 new play towers, inclusive roundabout, a picnic bench and more, the park will continue to a central location for young people to play and visit.
Sensory Garden upgrade
Funding: £40,000
Maxwellton Sensory Gardens has attracted a lot of attention and care from volunteers over the years. The school partnership will deliver improvements to the gardens inspired by the views of the schools and local community.
West End Growing Grounds Association
Maintenance tools
Funding: £2,609
Sanctuary Gardens is a well-established community asset which educates, feeds and offers an opportunity for like- minded people to socialise and share experiences. This awarded funding allows the group to maintain the grounds surrounding the raised beds ensuring grass, shrubs and hedges are not overgrown.
User tools
Funding: £4,800
As the garden developed and the gardening group became more diverse, it was noted some growers did not have access to the tools required. A bank of tools is now supplied onsite offering inclusive opportunities for all.