Colleague Christmas Charity appeals
Join your colleagues supporting charitable causes and make a difference for those in need.
Each year, and particularly during the run up to the festive season, many colleagues go that extra mile to help those who may need a little more support. If you would like to make a difference by supporting a charitable cause, there are lots of ways you can get involved. To help you choose, we've pulled together a list of the campaigns our colleagues are supporting this festive season:
The Promise Champs' Christmas Present Drive
Order a gift online by Friday 13 December
You can help brighten the festive season for care experienced children in Renfrewshire who may receive fewer Christmas presents this year. Help our Youth Services colleagues support the Promise Champs Christmas Present Drive by ordering a gift from their online Amazon wish list.
Simply choose a listed item, select 'Buy as gift' and send it to the pre-populated address where our youth services colleagues will wrap and deliver them to local care experienced kids.
Due to the high demand last year, our Promise Champs have now included items within the Amazon Wishlist to suit ages from 5-24 years. The presents have been selected following consultation with care experienced young people, young carers and young people on the edges of care who have chosen categories of fun, self-care, learning and warmth with prices ranging from £5-£20.
Find out more about The Promise (The Promise Scotland website).
Donate a gift to the Promise Champs Christmas Present Drive (Amazon shopping).
I Am Me Scotland & Classrooms for Malawi
Help boost funds for charities I Am Me (Scotland) and Classrooms for Malawi. I Am Me (Scotland) raises awareness and tackles disability hate crime through their campaigning and learning resources, Classrooms for Malawi provide young people in Malawi with the opportunity to attend school in a safe, clean, and friendly learning environment.
- Donate Christmas hamper raffle prizes by Tuesday 10 December
Please contact if you have any items you would like to donate including food, drink and gifts.
- Visit the Christmas Stall on Wednesday 11 December, 11am - 2pm
Hosted in Renfrewshire House Atrium featuring a raffle and a variety of handmade gifts, sweet treats, festive crafts and more.
Learn more about I Am Me Scotland (I Am Me website).
Get information about Classrooms for Malawi (Classrooms for Malawi website).
Clothing, gifts and raffle donations for Renfrewshire communities
RHSCP Charity Champion, Evie Campbell, is coordinating donations and events for foodbank and our local homeless units including a Cake and Cuppa event.
Donations welcome at your local drop off points*. Last collection at Renfrewshire Health and Social Work Centre in Renfrew, Thursday 12 December by 12.30pm
You can:
- Donate NEW items for children and adults of all ages.
Place unwrapped items into a gift bag and drop-off at your nearest collection point.
Items needed:
- toys, books and games
- coats, clothes, hats, gloves, scarves, socks
- blankets
- toiletries, gift sets
- sweeties, selection boxes, non-perishable food and household pantry items.
The list excludes any items containing alcohol.
- Donate a raffle prize.
Label any suitable items or unwanted NEW gifts you can donate as a raffle prize and hand them in to your nearest collection point. Please do not donate prizes that contain alcohol.
- Buy a raffle ticket and attend the Cuppa & Cake event
You can buy raffle tickets from your nearest collection point* or on the day in the large conference room at Renfrewshire Health and Social Work Centre in Renfrew from 12-2pm during the Christmas raffle, cake and a cuppa event on Friday 15 December 2023.
*Drop off points for donations:
Johnstone Health Centre - closing date closing date Tuesday 10 December.
60 Quarry Street
Raffle tickets available from reception
Old Johnstone Clinic - closing date Tuesday 10 December.
1 Ludovic Square
Raffle tickets available admin office
Tannahill Centre - closing date closing date Tuesday 10 December
76 Blackstoun Rd
Renfrewshire Health Social Work Centre - closing date Thursday 12 December, 12.30pm.
3rd floor
10 Ferry Rd
Raffle tickets available from the RES admin office
For more information, please contact RHSCP Charity Champion Evie Campbell on +447917617756 or
Share your festive charity fundraising stories
If you are involved in a charitable campaign we haven't already shared, let us know at and don't forget to send us your Christmas jumper photos!
Published on Thursday 5 December 2024