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Searching on "who has authority over the faa" found 985 results - Page 89 of 99

Joanne recommends movement and fresh air as "therapy for the soul"

Operational people partner and mental health first aider, Joanne Currans talks about how she cares for her emotional wellbeing by staying active.

Contact the Adult Services Team

How to contact Adult Services online, by email, phone or post, how to make a referral.

Planning for a Positive Retirement Course Outline

This course provided by Affinity Connect encourages a positive and realistic approach to help you make informed choices about your retirement plans.

£800,000 funding boost for artificial pitches in Renfrewshire

New artificial sports pitches will be built in Renfrewshire as part of further £800,000 investment by Renfrewshire Council in outdoor sports facilities.

RenTalks recordings now available

Catch up on RenTalks you've missed via iLearn.

Colleague Christmas Charity appeals

Join your colleagues supporting charitable causes and make a difference for those in need.

Food poisoning

Renfrewshire Council's Business Regulation team control and investigate food poisoning cases in partnership with the NHS.

Pay a parking fine

What reduction you get if you pay the parking fine within 14 days, how to pay online, by telephone, in person or by post.

Regulation and our performance as a housing provider

How we are regulated by the Scottish Housing Regulator, how we are performing as a registered social landlord, the performance of our housing and homeless services,...