Regulation and our performance as a housing provider
How we are regulated by the Scottish Housing Regulator, how we are performing as a registered social landlord, the performance of our housing and homeless services, how we report our performance to our tenants
Housing regulator
We are regulated by the Scottish Housing Regulator to protect the rights of our tenants and people using our housing services.
Reviewing our performance
The regulator looks at:
- Our responsibilities as a registered social landlord
- How well we are delivering our housing and homeless services
Our performance is measured against the Scottish Social Housing Charter which sets out the standards and outcomes all registered social landlords aim to achieve.
The Scottish Housing Regulator website has performance information about us including:
- Our assurance statement on how we are meeting regulatory requirements
- The regulator's engagement plan working with us up to 31 March 2025
Our current performance report
Our current performance report is from April 2023 to March 2024.
We are required to report performance against indicators set by the regulator.
Our report covers:
- The quality of our council housing
- Ensuring our tenants get good value from rent and service charges
- How well we carry out repairs and safety checks
- Managing and supporting our tenancies
- Referring homeless households to other registered social landlords
- Resolving anti-social behaviour
- Responding to complaints
- Tenant satisfaction with our services
- The regulator's engagement plan
- What we're doing to improve our performance
Tenant satisfaction survey
We carry out a tenant satisfaction survey every two years.
The latest survey was carried out in 2024 and captured the views of more than 1200 households.
There are six specific areas the regulator asks us to gauge satisfaction levels on:
- Our overall services provided by the Council as your landlord
- Keeping you informed about our services and decisions
- Opportunities to participate and shape our services
- The quality of your home
- Our contribution to the management of the neighbourhood you live in
- Value for money of your rent
More than 70% of tenants surveyed said they were either very or fairly satisfied with each area.
There has been a decrease in satisfaction since the previous survey, and our tenants highlighted key areas for improvement which we are considering in detail to make our services better and maintain high satisfaction levels.
Improving performance
We do our best to provide the best possible service as your landlord and use rental income on the things that matter most to you.
Your feedback together with the regulator's benchmarking of our performance helps us to adapt our approach.
This year we're focusing on:
- Achieving 100% housing quality standard compliance for smoke detector and electrical installation condition reports (EICR)
- Improving our handling of complaints and looking at the most complained about areas to drive improvements and reduce complaints
- Reviewing the data around people sustaining their tenancies to understand the reasons for its reduction
- Working with tenants to improve satisfaction and use our established tenant groups to identify areas needing attention
- Improve the condition of council houses through detailed surveys of all homes and our ongoing programme of investment.