Planning for a Positive Retirement Course Outline
This course provided by Affinity Connect encourages a positive and realistic approach to help you make informed choices about your retirement plans.
- Thursday 27 March 2025, 14.00-16.30, Microsoft Teams
- Tuesday 1 April 2025, 09.30-12.00, Microsoft Teams
- Tuesday 13 May 2025, 14.00-16.30, Microsoft Teams
- Monday 16 June 2025, 09.30-12.00, Microsoft Teams
- Wednesday 27 August 2025, 14.30-17.00, Microsoft Teams
- Friday 19 September 2025, 09.30-12.00, Microsoft Teams
- Thursday 23 October 2025, 14.00-16.30, Microsoft Teams
- Wednesday 12 November 2025, 09.30-12.00, Microsoft Teams
- Wednesday 10 December 2025, 14.00-16.30, Microsoft Teams.
Course Outline
To encourage a positive and realistic approach to a financially secure retirement and help delegates make informed choices about their retirement. This course is perfect for you if you are within 3 years of retirement and require more information about how to maximise retirement savings.
Course Objectives
During the course you'll will:
- Explore changes in lifestyles
- Identify where income is expected to come from and how it is taxed differently in retirement
- Understand the State Pension and different types of workplace pensions
- Learn about the risks and reward involved in savings and investments
- Discover why increased life expectancy escalates the dangers of inflation and how to combat it
- Find out how to ensure your estate is passed to your intended beneficiaries
- Understand Inheritance Tax
- Understand the next steps and where to receive further guidance and regulated financial advice
Course structure
Changes to lifestyles
- What does retirement mean?
- Changes in the use of personal time
Income needs in retirement
- Considerations for retirement
- Life expectancy
- Taxation in retirement
- Income and expenditure in retirement
The State Pension
- Explaining the State Pension
- State Pension eligibility
- State Pension forecast
Inflation in retirement
- How inflation can erode the value of money over time
Employer specific workplace pension
- Overview of the scheme(s)
- Retirement income options
- Options for increasing benefits
- Adult survivor's pension
Savings and investments
- Financial goals
- Understanding investment risk
- Risk and return in the real world
- Income tax in retirement
- Tax allowances
Estate Planning
- Inheritance Tax
- Wills and intestacy
- Power of Attorney
Suitable for
All employees considering retirement in the next few years.
A trainer-led online workshop, through Microsoft Teams.
Workshop Duration
Two and a half hours.
How to book
To book the course please use this Course Nomination Form.
For more information, please:
Arrangements will be made on request for delegates with additional requirements.