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Searching on "bluetooth audio receiver" found 328 results - Page 5 of 33

Complaints about taxis and private car hire

What to do if you want to make a complaint about taxis or private car hire services licensed by the Council, what information we need and who to contact about it....

Who can apply for a grant to repair a private historic building

Who can apply for this grant depends on where your property is, if you're applying as a private or joint owner or on behalf of an organisation.

Discount for council colleagues at OneRen Cafés

Get 15% off at the OnX and Lagoon Leisure Centre

New Carer Support Payment

Check if You're Eligible.

Our values

More than 4,000 voices including our staff, local residents, partners, young people and community groups helped identify the values most important to us all that...

New operating system and password guidance

Read the latest updates from ICT on rolling out Windows 11 and using strong passwords.

Renfrewshire Council thanks residents and staff as Storm Eowyn clean-up continues

Renfrewshire Council has thanked residents for staying at home during the red weather warning for Storm Eowyn as the clean-up operation continues.

What happens if you do not pay your council tax

If you live in Renfrewshire, find out what happens if you miss one, two, or three payments, and how to get help with paying your council tax.

Blue Badge for parking

What a blue badge is, who can get one, where to apply, what you need to provide with your application, blue badges for people who pose a risk to traffic, special...