Complaints about taxis and private car hire
What to do if you want to make a complaint about taxis or private car hire services licensed by the Council, what information we need and who to contact about it.
If you have a complaint about a Renfrewshire Council licensed taxi or private hire driver, please write to the Civic Licensing Standards Officer at the contact details listed below.
It would be helpful if you could include the following details in your complaint:
- Date and time of incident
- Location
- Short description of driver
- Make and model of car (if known)
- Vehicle registration number (if known)
- Badge number (if known)
- Plate number (if known).
We will then investigate your complaint and try to resolve it for you. Please do not telephone our office to make a complaint as we can only follow up complaints received in writing or by email.
When we receive your written complaint we will:
- acknowledge it within 5 working days
- interview the driver concerned
- obtain statements (as appropriate)
- take appropriate action
- let you know the action taken, and
- tell you what further action you can take if you are unhappy with the outcome.
Contact details
Civic Enforcement Officer
Renfrewshire Council
Licensing Section
Renfrewshire House
Cotton Street
- phone: 0141 618 7083
- email: