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Searching on "renfrew yoker bridge news" found 595 results - Page 48 of 60

Christmas Eve early closure and festive opening hours

In preparation for the festive period council offices will close at 2.30pm on Tuesday 24 December.

Contact the ERP Business World Support Team

How to contact ERP Business World Team and other contacts for specific enquiries.

Council tax discount for a single occupier

Find out if you can get a council tax discount or exemption if you are a single occupier living in Renfrewshire.

Employee benefits

As a Renfrewshire Council employee, you can access benefits designed to help you achieve a healthy work-life balance and take care of your physical, mental and...

Council tax discount or exemption for care leavers

Find out if you can get a council tax discount or exemption if you are a care leaver living in Renfrewshire.

Media enquiries

Contact information for the Corporate Communications team.

Local Housing Strategy

Learn about Renfrewshire's Local Housing Strategy and how to stay updated on its implementation.

Renfrewshire's Places - Residential Design Guide EQIA

Equalities Impact Assessment for Renfrewshire's Places - Residential Design Guide, February 2015

Council boards

The Renfrewshire Council Boards, what they do, links to their meeting papers and recordings other boards, terminated boards.