Renfrewshire Council

Council tax discount or exemption for care leavers

Who can get a discount or exemption, what kind of discount or exemption you may get, before you apply, how to apply, and getting help to pay your council tax.

Who can get a discount or exemption

Care leavers may be able to get a council tax discount or exemption.

A care leaver is a person who:

  • is aged between 18 and 26
  • was looked after by a local authority on, or at any time after their 16th birthday
  • is no longer looked after by a local authority.

Under the Children (Scotland) Act 1995, looked after children are defined as those in the care of their local authority.

What kind of discount or exemption you may get

If a care leaver is living with one other person, they can get a 25% council tax discount.

If a care leaver lives alone or in a property only occupied by care leavers, they may be able to get a council tax exemption.

Before you apply

If the person was in care in another local authority, they'll need to provide a social work letter confirming the relevant dates.

If the person was in care under Renfrewshire Council, they do not need to provide a letter.

How to apply

To apply for a council tax discount or exemption, download and fill in the council tax exemption or discount form for care leavers. [109KB] .

Post your form to:

Director of Finance and Resources
Council Tax Section
Renfrewshire Council
Renfrewshire House
Cotton Street

The Care Leavers Exemption or Discount Form must be completed by the person who is liable to pay council tax.

If this is not the care leaver, the care leaver must complete and sign Part 5 of the form. We'll use the information provided to check the person's care history.

What happens next

We'll let you know of our decision by email.

If your discount is confirmed, we'll send you a revised council tax notice.

You should continue to pay your council tax as normal until you have received a revised notice.

What happens if your circumstances change

If you no longer qualify for a discount, you must tell us of your change in status.

We'll then update your council tax account and send you a new bill.

You may have to pay a fine if you do not tell us.

Get help with paying your council tax

If you think you could fall behind on your council tax payments, phone us on 0300 300 0300 and ask for advice. There may be support available to help you avoid missing your payments.