Renfrewshire Council

Get cyber savvy with our brand-new iLearn module

Refresh your skills by completing the new mandatory Cyber Security course on iLearn.

Packed with easy-to-follow tips and guidance, the new course replaces our previous module 'RenTalks: how to spot a phish' and is designed to refresh and update your understanding of online safety.

You'll learn:

  • what cyber security means and why it matters
  • about our protective measures and what your role is
  • how to create secure passwords and protect your devices
  • what to look for in emails to spot threats like phishing scams
  • about hidden dangers in links and web addresses
  • further top tips to stay safe online.

This new module, developed by our ICT and Security and Compliance teams, takes around 30 minutes to complete. You can do it in stages by saving your progress and returning to it later.

Open the Cyber Security module in iLearn.

What we mean by 'mandatory'

Allcolleagues using the council's computer network must complete and refresh their cyber security training every 12 months.

While we encourage ALL employees to complete this updated module as soon as possible, if you have completed the previous version less than 12 months ago, you are not required to do the new module straight away.

You will have exactly 12 months from your completion date to do the new course. For example, if you completed the previous module 'RenTalks: how to spot a phish' on 7 November 2024, you will have until 7 November 2025 to do the new training.

Those who don't use the council's computer network regularly are also encouraged to complete the course. The knowledge and skills you will gain will help keep you safe from the increasingly sophisticated and convincing scams online.

Reminder of what to do if something does go wrong

If you do click on something suspicious and realise you have made a mistake, your response should be as simple as A, B, C, D:

  • Always stay calm and stop what you are doing.
  • Begin to collect information about the email.
  • Contact the ICT Service Desk immediately. Call 0141 487 0000.
  • Don't forward the email to anyone, even ICT (unless further asked to). Take a screen shot instead using 'Print Scrn' on keyboard or with snipping tool to send.

Further learning and support

 Keep up to date with the latest advice and known threats:

Go to RenSafeOnline for useful information and tools (GetSafeOnline Renfrewshire webpage).

If you have a query about a course on iLearn, email our People and OD colleagues at

For cyber security help and advice, get in touch with our security and compliance team by emailing

New coloured banner alerts on emails

ICT have recently introduced coloured banner alerts on emails in Outlook. From now on, every email you receive which is not from within the Council, will display a blue, amber, or red banner.

These banners indicate the detected threat level as follows:

  • Blue means 'low threat'
  • Amber means 'medium threat'
  • Red means 'high threat'.

If you use Outlook, you will have received an email from ICT Business Services Enquiries on Thursday 6 February at around 9.25am. This message contains full details about the new coloured banner alerts. Please make sure you read this email and know what to do at each threat level.

Published Thursday 13 February 2025