Renfrewshire Council

Parking restrictions

Details of parking restrictions in Renfrewshire including waiting and loading restrictions, bus stops, pavement parking, yellow lines and enforcement.

Parking restrictions in Renfrewshire keep road users and pedestrians safe, prevent danger on our roads and disruption to public transport and emergency vehicles.

The road network is monitored by our warden service with fixed penalty notices issued to motorists parking illegally.

Bus stops

No vehicle should park in the zone around a bus stop at any time.

This includes stopping to run an errand, drop-off or pick-ups, deliveries and private hire vehicles.

Waiting restrictions - single and double yellow lines

Single yellow lines mean you cannot wait or park during the signposted times. You can park here outside of these times.

Double yellow lines mean no waiting or parking at any time unless specifically signposted.

Blue P signs

Signs with a blue 'P' and timings mean you are only allowed to wait during these times and for the time specified, such as from Monday to Saturday, from 8am to 8pm for 20 minutes. You can wait here longer outside of these times.

Pavement parking

Scotland wide legislation has been introduced banning:

  • parking on pavements
  • double parking
  • parking at a dropped kerb's pedestrian crossing.

The ban still allows emergency services, works and delivery vehicles exemptions for a short time where necessary.

Subject to approval from councillors of our Infrastructure, Land and Environment Policy Board in January 2025, we'll have the ability to enforce these in Renfrewshire in early 2025.

You can read more about the new parking rules and about exemption locations.

Loading restrictions

Yellow marks on the kerb or edge of the road mean loading is not allowed at specified times.

Always check the times on the signage.

  • Two yellow lines means no loading at any time
  • Single yellow line means no loading or unloading at the times specified on the signage
  • Loading bay means it is for loading only and not for any other use such as parking

Restricted parking Zones

Clear signage shows the start and end of Restricted Parking Zones.

You are only permitted to park within the lined parking bays.

You may not park or wait anywhere else within these zones at any time.

Event day parking zones

Event day parking zones are advertised in advance and are covered by a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO).

The event day parking zones apply for the days of the event only and must be followed.

Keep Clear markings

It is illegal to stop on Keep Clear road markings.

Yellow zig-zag Keep Clear road markings outside schools are there for the safety of pupils, giving them, and motorists, clear sightlines when crossing roads outside the school. 

Where there are yellow zig-zag Keep Clear markings on the road and a parking panel is present, it is illegal to stop during the days and times shown.

Drivers who stop or park on the road markings could face:

  • a penalty charge notice
  • the vehicle reported for uplift to be impounded
  • a charge to recover the vehicle

Take care to avoid stopping on these marking for any reason, even if this is to stop and collect a pupil. Park in a safe place away from the school and walk to collect them.