Resident parking permits
What resident parking permits are, who can get them, how much they cost, before you apply, how to apply, and after you apply.
What resident parking permits are
Resident parking permits are for people who live in one of Paisley's controlled parking zones and want to park in a metered space on the street.
Because there's so little space in the area of Church Hill in zone 1, residents here can also apply for permits for School Wynd and Oakshaw car parks at a discounted rate.
A resident parking permit gives you permission to park in a certain zone. It does not guarantee you a spot.
If you're looking to park in one of Paisley town centre's 18 charging council car parks, either for general use or for work, find out about car park seasonal permits instead.
Who can get them
You can apply for a resident parking permit if you live in zones 1, 2, 3, or 4 of Paisley.
When you enter your address on the application form, it will tell you if you live in one of the eligible zones or not. If not, you'll have the option to buy a car park seasonal permit.
View this map to see if you live in one of Paisley's controlled parking zones.
You can also apply for a permit for School Wynd or Oakshaw car parks if you live in these specific streets:
- School Wynd
- Oakshaw Street East
- Church Hill.
Zone 1:
- On-street permits - only 1 permit per household
- Car park permits - no limit
Zones 2, 3, and 4:
- Only 1 or 2 permits per household
- Permit holders can apply for visitor permits for their visitors - these are books of 10 scratch cards, each card valid for 1 day of parking
How much they cost
Zones 1, 2, 3, and 4 - on-street
No charge.
School Wynd and Oakshaw - car parks
- 3 months: £70
- 6 months: £140
- 9 months: £210
- 12 months: £280
Before you apply
You'll need to upload some documents and information as part of your application.
- V5C (vehicle log book)
- Your vehicle must be registered in the name and address shown on your application form. It cannot be a borrowed or shared vehicle that is not registered in the zone you're applying for.
- If your vehicle is new and you do not have a V5C yet, you can upload the bill of sale. We'll then issue you a temporary permit for 6 weeks while your V5C is being delivered.
- Learn more about V5Cs online (UK Government website).
- If you have a company or leased car, you must prove the vehicle is used only by you - include a letter from your company confirming this with your application
- Proof you live in the area you're applying for, such as a council tax bill or utility bill dated within the last 3 months
- Vehicle details: the make and model, the colour (as listed on the V5C), and the registration number
How to apply
Apply online for a resident parking permit.
You can use this form to:
- apply for a new permit
- renew your current permit
- upgrade from a temporary permit to a full permit
- update your current permit if you have a new vehicle or registration details
- apply for a book of visitor permits.
For car park permits, you'll need to pay by card when you apply.
If you have any questions or need help applying, email us at
After you apply
If you've provided an email address on your application form, we'll email you once we've processed your permit. Then, we'll post your permit to you within 10 working days.
Once you have your permit
Once you have your permit, display it in your windscreen.
You can only use your permit in the zone or car park that's named on your permit. You cannot use it to park in any other area. If you do try to use your permit to park in another area, you may be issued a penalty charge notice. If you park anywhere other than your named zone or car park, you must pay the parking charge for that location at the machine or by using the RingGo app.
We will not send you a reminder when your permit is about to expire. So, you'll need to remember when to renew it.
If your permit is lost or stolen, email us at