Renfrewshire Council

We're not yet enforcing these parking rules. This information is here for awareness only. We plan to start enforcing these rules on 1 April 2025.

Report a parking incident

Which incidents to report, what details to tell us, and how to report it.

Tell us if you see a vehicle that is:

  • parked on a pavement (unless there is a line or sign permitting it)
  • blocking a dropped kerb (parked alongside a pedestrian dropped crossing or a raised crossing point)
  • double parked (parked alongside a car that's already parked on the side of a road).

You'll need to give us the:

  • vehicle's registration number
  • vehicle's make and model
  • town and street in Renfrewshire where the vehicle is parked.

You'll also have the option to upload photos or tell us any other information you think we should know.

Report a parking incident.