How the planning system works in Renfrewshire
The planning system aims to encourage positive change in our towns and villages while protecting special assets such as historic buildings and the countryside. On this page you can find out how the system works in Renfrewshire.
Constructing new buildings, altering the use and appearance of buildings, and other changes in the way land is used are essential to help the economy grow and meet the need for homes, jobs, shops, leisure and mobility.
The planning system aims to encourage positive change in our towns and villages while protecting the things that make local areas attractive. The planning system balances competing and often conflicting demands so as to make sure that land is used and developed in the community's long-term interest. The planning system regulates development through the planning applications, whereby planning permission is granted or refused based on the policies set out in the development plan.
Planning decisions in Renfrewshire are guided by:
- National Planning Framework 4 is the national spatial strategy for Scotland. NPF4 contains national spatial principles, regional priorities, national developments and national planning policy. NPF4 sets out an approach to tackle and adapt to climate change, restore biodiversity loss, improve health and wellbeing, build a well-being economy and create sustainable places.
- Renfrewshire Local Development Plan 2021 sets out strategies, policies and proposals for Renfrewshire over the next 10 years.
- The Development Management Section has the responsibility for administering the Council's duties with regards to Planning Applications.
A guide to the planning system is available from the Scottish Government website.
Advice on planning matters is also available from Planning Aid for Scotland, which is a national charity delivering free advice, information, support and training on planning and environmental matters to members of the general public and community organisations.
If you require further information please contact us using the contact details below.