Search for a planning permission application or appeal
Types of search on the planning application system, advanced planning search page, map results, search results, application summary page.
You can search for information on planning and related applications using our online search facility or through the map search system.
Planning application and appeals search
Use one of these options to search:
- simple search - use this option if you already know the application reference number or by entering a postcode or part of the application address. The reference number will be shown on correspondence sent by the council about an application.
- advanced search - this takes you to the 'advanced planning search' page, which provides a range of search options which allow you to refine your search
- map search - search using an interactive map tool
Advanced planning search page
This page allows you to search on a number of factors including location, applicant and agent name, community council, council ward, as well as date of registration or decision on the application. You can search on these individually or in combination.
For example, if you want to know what applications have been registered for a particular community council area over a period, you should select the community council from the drop down list and enter the start and end dates of the period for which you want to see the applications which were registered. This will give you a list showing summary information on applications which match the information which you have entered.
Map Results
The map search feature allows you to identify applications using an interactive map containing a number of tools to help you zoom in and locate application addresses. Once you have selected the search area select applications using the time period from a drop down list ie within the last 6 months, this will display application boundaries on the map. You can also view a list of the applications from your search by application reference to the right of the map, click on the planning application reference number to view the application details.
Search results
If there is more than one application which matches your search criteria, the search results will be presented as a summary list of applications which match the details you have searched on. An application will be highlighted when you hover over it , click on the application to view the details. This takes you to the 'application summary' page.
Application summary page
This page provides detailed information on the selected application. If the council has reached a decision, the page will show the decision made, conditions attached to approvals and reasons for refusal. You can get further information on the selected applications by the following means:
For current applications not yet determined select 'Related Documents' tab and then click 'view associated document', you will now see all the relevant documents lodged as part of the application. Select the document and then click on the 'view' button.
It should be noted that, for reasons of privacy, plans relating to applications are removed from the web site once a decision is made. These plans can be inspected at the Customer Service Centre, Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street, Paisley. For more recent applications, a copy of the Report of Handling and the Decision Notice remains on the website.
If you wish to make a comment (known as a representation) on an application which has not yet been determined, you can do this online by clicking on 'Make a comment' in the 'Comment' tab.
You will have to enter some details such as your name and address to allow the council to register it as a valid representation. When you have followed the online instructions and submitted your representation, it will be recorded and considered before a decision is made. Please note that the period for making representations is set by legislation.