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Searching on "who has authority over the faa" found 985 results - Page 91 of 99

Reporting accidents at work

How to report an accident at work, including industrial accidents or notifiable diseases, and what support you can get.

Public procession licences

How to apply for a public procession licence, consultations on notices of public processions, where to see public procession notices.

Renfrewshire Council Plan 2022-2027

Our Council Plan sets out how we will work with partners, communities and business to to achieve lasting positive change across Renfrewshire.

Provost's Working Challenge

What the Provost's Working Challenge is, why your business should take part, what you need to do for the Working Challenge.

Housing regeneration in Johnstone Castle

Renfrewshire Council are currently delivering the regeneration of Johnstone Castle, including 95 new build Council homes for social rent.

Improving Our Workplace Survey results and next steps

Chief Executive Alan Russell shares the key findings from our recent Improving Our Workplace Survey.

Risk management ("Whose Risk Is It Anyway?")

A practical, hands on exploration of you as a risk manager in your own role, set against the backdrop of the Council's risk management framework.

Go batty for Paisley's new tennis courts

The ideal activity to keep the family fit and having fun this half-term.

Data Protection Hints and Tips from the DPO

Find out what data protection means for you and what you can do to help the Council comply.

Freedom of Information (FOI) course

Information about our Freedom of Information (FOI) course for Renfrewshire Council staff.