Reporting accidents at work
How to report an accident at work, including industrial accidents or notifiable diseases, and what support you can get.
If your absence is due to an industrial accident or a notifiable disease (such as Cholera, Diphtheria, Rabies), you will receive an industrial injury allowance. This allowance is the same amount as Occupational Sick Pay (OSP). Your absence may count towards the calculation for absence review points.
You must report all accidents at work to your manager as soon as possible. A colleague or relative can contact your manager on your behalf if you are unable to do so due to your injury.
If your accident took place at another Council work location, your manager must inform the manager for that location as well as their own manager.
You or your manager must record your accident at on Business World. You'll be advised by your manager that your accident has been recorded. Further advice is available from the Health & Safety Team, HR&OD.
If your accident at work results in you being absent for more than 7 days (excluding the day of the accident but including non-working days), your manager must update Business World to clearly show this.
You may be referred to Occupational Health (OH) for medical advice and to help support your return to work.
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