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Message from Chief Executive, Alan Russell - December 2024

In his final message of 2024, Alan looks back on a significant twelve months and thanks colleagues for your hard work and commitment throughout the year.

Help if you're homeless or could become homeless

If you are homeless right now, or you're worried you could become homeless, phone us. We'll help you start the process of finding a home.

Message from Chief Executive, Alan Russell - January 2025

Alan Russell looks ahead to what promises to be a challenging but exciting 2025 for the council.

What the priorities are for each Local Partnership

Find out what the priorities are for each of the Local Partnership groups in Renfrewshire.

Contracts with the Council

How to respond to a contract notice, what information you need to provide us with, winning a council contract, how we evaluate tenders, monitoring of contracts,...

Egg safety

With their significant protein, vitamin and mineral content and relatively low saturated fat content, eggs are a valuable component in a healthy diet.

Local community groups

Find out about local community groups who can help you with food, shopping, prescription collection, caring, phone calls or other support, tell us about your local...

The Mirin Day Opportunities for adults with moderate to severe learning disabilities

What The Mirin Day Opportunities are, who the service is for, groups we run at The Mirin, make a referral, how to contact us.

Start-Up Street

Low-cost business incubator, accommodation and business support for up to two years for early stage and start-up businesses.

Energy advice

Find out how our energy advisers can offer free advice to help you save on home energy costs. Available to anyone living in Renfrewshire.