Local community groups
Find out about local community groups who can help you with food, shopping, prescription collection, caring, phone calls or other support, tell us about your local community group.
Local support groups
- across Renfrewshire
- in Paisley
- in Renfrew
- in Johnstone and Elderslie
- in Erskine, Bishopton, Langbank and Inchinnan
- in Kilbarchan, Howwood and Lochwinnoch
Get in touch with Renfrewshire Community Planning
Tell us, and each other, what you are doing to support your local community through Facebook, Twitter or email us at communityplanning@renfrewshire.gov.uk.
Local support groups across Renfrewshire
Carers Centre
The Carers Centre gives support to carers.
You can call them on 0141 887 3643
The Community Fridge and Community Cabinet Paisley
They have a community fridge in Moss Street shop
Call 07843 702003 or contact Rekz on Facebook.
Food Train
This is a shopping service for people over 65. Orders placed on a Monday and shopping delivered as soon as possible that week. Cost is £5 per delivery.
Call 0141 887 2557 or renfrewshire@thefoodtrain.co.uk.
Renfrewshire Foodbank
The Renfrewshire Foodbank provides 3 days emergency supply of nutritionally balanced food for families and individuals throughout Renfrewshire. The foodbank distributes in Paisley, Johnstone and Renfrew.
Call them on 0300 102 2500 or info@renfrewshire.foodbank.org.uk.
ROAR Connections for Life
ROAR can help with shopping, medicine collection and wellbeing phone calls for older people.
You can call them 0141 889 7481 or email info@roarforlife.org.
Find out more about ROAR and the services they offer in Renfrewshire.
STAR Project
STAR offer support as requested.
Contact them by calling 0141 889 5850 or email enquiries@star-project.org.uk or Heather at heather@star-project.org.uk.
Find out more about the STAR Project
Local support groups in Paisley
Glenburn Cares
Glenburn Cares offers support as requested.
Join the Glenburn Cares Facebook group to find out more.
Local support groups in Renfrew
Our Place, Our Families
They offer support as requested
Email Our Place Our Families at ourplaceourfamilies@gmail.com or call 0141 258 5206
Local support groups in Johnstone and Elderslie
Elderslie Cares
Elderslie Cares offers support as requested.
Join the Elderslie Cares Facebook group
Spateston Tenants and Residents Association
They give help with shopping, prescription collection and other emergency essential services to local residents
Email them at community.spaces@outlook.com.
Local support groups in Erskine, Bishopton, Langbank and Inchinnan
E BI Unites
EBI Unites help people experiencing food insecurity. They can organise packages, meals, and delivery.
Contact Jacqui Reid on 07799 123002.
Follow EBI Unites on Facebook or EBI Unites on Twitter or visit the Erskine's Community website
Houston Volunteers
They help with shopping, including online shopping, prescription pick-up or a friendly chat.
Email Rev. Gary Noonan at GNoonan@churchofscotland.org.uk or Frankie Greenwood, Houston Kirk, at familyandcommunity.houstonkirk@gmail.com
Local support groups in Kilbarchan, Howwood and Lochwinnoch
Lochwinnoch Cares
They can help with shopping service, prescription pick-up and telephone calls to prevent isolation.
Contact Lochwinnoch Cares at LochwinnochCares22@gmail.com or 07395 959055