What the priorities are for each Local Partnership
What local priorities are and the list of priorities for each of the 7 Local Partnership groups in Renfrewshire.
What local priorities are
There are 7 Local Partnerships in Renfrewshire, which mirror the Community Council boundaries. Find out more about what Local Partnerships are.
Each partnership sets their own local priorities for the area they represent.
These priorities are decided by the Local Partnership's members, which are made up of local elected members for the area and community representatives.
Local Partnerships can provide small grants and funding for local projects that help to meet these priorities.
The partnership will prioritise the awarding of funding based on these priorities and projects they feel will have the most impact for people in their area.
You can see which Local Partnership represents your area with our
.Find out how you can apply for funding from our Local Partnerships.
Priorities for each Local Partnership
See the priorities for:
- Paisley North, West and Central
- Paisley East
- Gleniffer
- Renfrew
- Johnstone and Linwood
- Erskine, Inchinnan, Bishopton and Langbank
- The Villages.
Paisley North, West and Central
The priorities for the Paisley North, West and Central Local Partnership are:
Supporting positive mental health and wellbeing
The Local Partnership wants to develop activity across the whole community to raise levels of positive mental health and address the causes of poor mental health that can lead to suicide.
Developing local responses to the cost of living crisis
The Local Partnership wants to work with communities to empower them to develop local solutions to the cost of living crisis.
Building cohesive and safe communities
Finding ways to bring together local people across generations and promote good relations across all races, religions, and languages is a priority for the Local Partnership.
The Partnership will develop activity that is inclusive of all and reflects the diversity of communities in Paisley North, West and Central area.
Strengthening and growing community organisations
The Local Partnership wants to support local community organisations by getting people involved and planning for the next generation of leaders and organisations.
It will build community ownership of local assets.
Working together to address service challenges
The public sector working in partnership with the third sector to meet challenges where services are changing or reducing is a priority for the Local Partnership.
Paisley East
The priorities for the Paisley East Local Partnership are:
Ensuring services are accessible and available to all
The Local Partnership wants to work with public services and voluntary groups so that everyone living in established communities and new developments has good access to the services they need.
This will include welcoming people who are new to the country and helping connect them to services.
Building community pride and safety
Making the best of Paisley East's built heritage and green space assets is a priority for the Partnership.
The Local Partnership will make positive contributions to joint efforts to maintain and protect the local environment, including community involvement and ownership of local assets.
Helping people with their cost of living
The Local Partnership wants to work to connect local people on low incomes to community-based services to maximise their income, improve their confidence and develop useful new skills.
It will help community and voluntary groups in Paisley East and elsewhere to connect better with each other to improve support to people living here.
Strengthening social connections
Helping people to connect with each other and community-based services in Paisley East that bring people together is a priority for the Local Partnership.
It will support groups to maintain and develop activities that provide these opportunities. This will include supporting young people impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic to connect with local activities and, in particular, provide opportunities for people from ethnic minority backgrounds to build social connections.
The priorities for the Gleniffer Local Partnership are:
Engaging with young people about their local area
Reaching out to young people to strengthen their influence on the activities of Gleniffer Local Partnership is a priority.
This will include connecting with schools, pupil councils, community groups and other community learning and development services, such as Street Stuff.
Gleniffer Local Partnership will seek the views and involvement of young people in developing activity in the area.
Strengthening community connections to bring people together
The Local Partnership wants to bring community groups together to develop activities that connect people to companionship and access to services to help with their cost of living.
This will include finding ways to help people access activities if they face barriers, like transport issues.
Making the best use of community assets
The Local Partnership wants to see busy community centres, full of activities.
The Partnership also wants to boost community involvement, getting more people involved in local groups and volunteering.
This will include having discussions with the local community about what they want to see community centres used for, such as activities during the day for older people.
Making our communities safer
The Local Partnership wants to identify positive ways to bring services and groups together to develop activities that will address antisocial behaviour to make Gleniffer communities safer.
This will include identifying activity that is successful at doing this currently and looking at ways of identifying new activity.
The priorities for the Renfrew Local Partnership are:
Sustaining and enhancing Renfrew town centre
Renfrew Local Partnership wants to see more things to do in Renfrew town centre to reflect the growing and increasingly diverse population, particularly by encouraging new events and seeing more happening in the evenings.
The Partnership want to do this by driving new projects to make the best use of community assets and spaces. This will include working with the town centre business community to support events and activities, which will also bring economic benefit to the town.
Making the most of public assets
The Local Partnership wants to see public resources, such as parks and outdoor spaces, used as fully as possible. This will be done through supporting both physical improvements to assets and the activities that take place there.
This would also include making the best community use of other buildings in the community.
This will build on the success of Renfrew Local Partnership's investment in Robertson Park, the growth of the Renfrewshire Pipe Band Competition and other projects.
Strengthening social connections
The Local Partnership will support activities that encourage social connection and good physical and mental health.
This will include developing new ideas to encourage engagement of local people in a way that appeals to different ages and activity levels.
It will prioritise:
- new and additional activity not yet in the area
- intergenerational projects
- sport or physical activities
- people experiencing challenging circumstances (isolation, poverty).
Joint working and collaboration
The Partnership wants to encourage local groups and projects to connect and work together to deliver activities.
They want to strengthen the connections between organisations or groups and develop those relationships to nurture future collaborations and reciprocal support.
Johnstone and Linwood
The priorities for the Johnstone and Linwood Local Partnership are:
Engaging with young people to improve our environment
The Local Partnership will create opportunities for young people in Johnstone and Linwood to engage in their local communities through schools and local groups.
A particular focus will be harnessing the enthusiasm of young people about acting to address climate change and link this to activity to take care of the local environment.
Building community cohesion by bringing people together
The Partnership will prioritise developing opportunities for Johnstone and Linwood's growing ethnic minority population to celebrate and share their culture within the wider community to build cross-cultural understanding and empathy.
The Local Partnership will be involved in developing more local cross-cultural activities within Johnstone and Linwood to do this.
The Partnership will encourage and help people to get involved in supporting local groups to strengthen them.
Supporting people to look after their mental health
The Local Partnership will work with public services and community groups to develop the range of activities and services that support good mental health.
It will do this by encouraging groups and services to come together to create opportunities that meet different people's needs and encouraging people to connect with these opportunities.
Improving transport and safety across our communities
The Local Partnership will prioritise strengthening the community voice in discussions about improving public transport links and across Johnstone and Linwood.
This will include working together on ways to improve issues caused by driver and parking behaviour in particular areas.
Erskine, Inchinnan, Bishopton and Langbank
The priorities for the Erskine, Inchinnan, Bishopton and Langbank Local Partnership are:
Key theme: Leisure and culture
The Local Partnership would like to see a focus on a joined-up culture and leisure offer across the Local Partnership area, which reflects the size and changing demographics of the local area.
This includes opportunities for arts, culture, leisure, and sports locally, which are key to supporting the other local priorities in this area.
The Local Partnership want to see places across Erskine, Inchinnan, Bishopton and Langbank better connected to each other, and to the wider area.
Positive local developments will create opportunities for local people across the area, but it's important that people are able to access these. This needs good quality public transport, but also safe, clean, and green routes for walking and cycling.
The Local Partnership are keen to explore opportunities for developing local community transport options.
Health and wellbeing
The Local Partnership want to make sure people are aware of, and can access health services, to support both physical and mental health.
The Local Partnership are keen to understand local health and care services, and what changes to these mean for their communities.
The Partnership also think tackling social isolation is key to improving wellbeing, with the Covid-19 pandemic and cost of living crisis further limiting wellbeing and connection opportunities for local people.
Intergenerational work
The Local Partnership are particularly interested in building relationships between younger and older communities across the area and exploring how intergenerational work might support their local priorities.
Community identity
The Local Partnership want to support the individual identity and history of each town and village, where each place has its own strong local offer of opportunities for local people.
A key part of this should be local events which celebrate this identity, and better communication of what's on across the area to support this.
Planning and environment
The Local Partnership want to be involved in, and influence, planning decisions, and are particularly interested in land ownership and use.
The Partnership sees this as key to supporting a clean and green area, which includes street cleanliness issues at a local level, but also wider green issues such as low carbon.
Community empowerment
The Local Partnership want communities to be involved in, and influence, decision making about the area. This includes making sure communities are well informed about local issues and looking at ways to get people involved such as volunteering and participatory budgeting.
The Villages
These priorities for The Villages Local Partnership are to be confirmed on 20 February 2025:
Connectivity and transport
The Local Partnership wants to see villages which are well-connected to each other and to other important places such as local hospitals.
Regular and reliable transport is a clear focus in this area, including community transport, public transport and active travel and green routes.
Climate and Sustainability
The Local Partnership wants to see more initiatives that tackle climate change and support biodiversity in the area.
Flood prevention, tackling invasive non-native species projects, and supporting green groups and nature are of particular interest.
Environment and Parks
The Local Partnership wants well-maintained villages and green spaces, with high quality public parks and a focus on street scene. This includes fly tipping, dog fouling and litter.
Access to services, facilities and assets
The Local Partnership recognises that one of the strengths of the villages is the range of community-led services and assets.
They want to continue to improve access to what's going on in the community, including affordable community activities, and making the most of their community buildings and facilities.
The Local Partnership want to particularly support Community Asset Transfers.
Strengthening Social Connections
The Local Partnership wants to support activities that encourage social connection and reduce isolation. This will include developing projects to encourage engagement of local people in a way that appeals to different ages and activity levels.
It will prioritise:
- families with young children
- older people
- people experiencing poverty
- local events celebrating heritage and culture of the villages.