What the priorities are for each Local Partnership
What the priorities are for the Local Partnerships groups in Renfrewshire. what they think is important for their community and what they want to work towards in their area.
These are the Local Partnerships in Renfrewshire:
- Paisley North, West and Central
- Paisley East
- Gleniffer
- Renfrew
- The Villages
- Johnstone and Linwood
- Erskine, Inchinnan, Bishopton and Langbank
Paisley North, West and Central
Community Empowerment
The Local Partnership want more people to get involved in their community. They want to activate new community groups, and explore the sustainability of the local groups that already exist. This includes succession planning for groups and exploring the availability and sustainability of funding for groups in the area.
Tackling social isolation to promote health
The Local Partnership want to help connect people to each other and see this as key to promoting health and wellbeing in the area. They think a key barrier is people being able to physically get to Paisley town centre to access services and groups.
Green spaces
The Local Partnership want to see the development and maintenance of high-quality green spaces in the area, and the use of these spaces to promote physical and mental health. They particularly want address safety and lighting in order to safely access these spaces at night.
Community safety
The Local Partnership want to help people to feel safe in their community. This includes being able to move around the area safely, by tackling issues with pavements and pathways, dog fouling and litter. They also think it is important that there are activities available for young people to avoid them becoming involved in anti-social behaviour and crime.
Paisley East
Exploring the impact of new housing developments
The Local Partnership want to explore how they influence planning decisions around new developments, and make sure that the infrastructure is in place to support these developments, for example, roads, schools and nurseries. They want to explore how community benefits might be used to support this.
Supporting social connections
The Local Partnership want to support social connections to tackle isolation and promote mental health and wellbeing. They want to see groups in the local area working together, swapping skills and sharing resources.
Community pride and safety
The Local Partnership want to see the care and maintenance of their spaces across their area, so they are clean, safe and attractive spaces. They want to see these spaces used to promote good wellbeing across the area.
Tackling Food Poverty
The Local Partnership wants to tackle food poverty in the area to ensure that people are able to access supplies of food where they need it. As part of this, the Local Partnership wants to see a reduction in the amount of usable surplus food wasted and the sustainable use of resources to be key features of work to tackle food poverty.
Community assets
The Local Partnership want to see busy local community centres, full of activities. They also want to boost community involvement, getting more people involved in local groups and volunteering.
What's on in Foxbar, Brediland and Glenburn
The Local Partnership want to develop ways to share information about what is going on locally across the area, including developing community noticeboards and networks.
Public safety and road safety
The Local Partnership want to promote public safety across the area. This includes road safety and managing the speed of traffic in the area.
Isolation and loneliness
The Local Partnership want to tackle isolation and loneliness across the area. They think a key barrier for some people is transport and being able to access activities.
Play facilities
The Local Partnership want to see development of parks and play areas for children and young people.
Key theme: Maximising economic impact
The Local Partnership want to see a focus on boosting the economic outcomes for people in Renfrew and how this can support their Local Priorities.
Bringing Renfrew Town Centre to life
The Local Partnership want to see more things to do in the town centre, particularly encouraging local events and seeing more happening in the evenings. They want to do this by making best use of community assets and spaces, including working with the town centre business community.
Moving around and connectivity
The Local Partnership wants the economic investment in Renfrew to benefit the local community, particularly making it easier for people to get around the town, and to travel to and from Renfrew.
Making the most of public assets
The Local Partnership want to see the maximum use of public resources, such as parks and outdoor spaces, as well as maximising the use of buildings in the community.
Strengthening social connections
Improving social connections and tackling social isolation is a key theme for the Local Partnership, and the Partnership recognise this affects all ages, including younger and older people. Community events and activities are important, as will be a focus on improving health and wellbeing locally.
The Villages
Connectivity and transport
The Local Partnership want to see villages which are well-connected to each other, when people can connect with each other too. Transport is a clear focus in this area, including both public transport and green routes.
Environment and Parks
The Local Partnership want well-maintained villages, with high quality public parks and a focus on street scene, including fly tipping, dog fouling and litter.
Access to services, facilities and assets
The Local Partnership want to improve access to what's going on in the community, including community activities, and making the most of their community buildings and facilities.
Village identity and character
The Local Partnership want to maintain the identity and character of the villages in the area. Key to this is developing and sustaining local community groups, and the delivery of local events.
Johnstone and Linwood
Key theme: Focus on young people
The Local Partnership are particularly keen to see a focus on how young people can be engaged and involved in work around the Local Priorities.
Taking pride in the look and feel of our towns
The Local Partnership want people in Johnstone and Linwood to take pride in the look and feel of their towns and their heritage, with vibrant and well-used town squares, fewer derelict buildings, and making sure the streets are clean.
What's on in Johnstone and Linwood
The Local Partnership want to explore how people know what's going on across Johnstone and Linwood. They also want to see community spaces and community events which are safe and affordable, particularly in community halls and hubs.
Roads and transport
The Local Partnership want to address a range of issues related to roads and transport, including congestion, speed, parking and public transport connections.
Community safety
The Local Partnership want to see safe spaces, both safe from crime but also safe physical environments. They also want to look at how they can, along with other community leaders, promote the reporting of crime and anti-social behaviour.
Erskine, Inchinnan, Bishopton and Langbank
Key theme: Intergenerational work
The Local Partnership are particularly interested in building relationships between younger and older communities across the area and exploring how intergenerational work might support their Local Priorities.
Health and wellbeing
The Local Partnership want to make sure people are aware of and can access health services, to support both physical and mental health. This includes community-led health services too. The Partnership also think tackling social isolation is key to improving health across the area.
The Local Partnership want to see places across Erskine, Inchinnan, Bishopton and Langbank better connected to each other, and to the wider area. They want to see provision of good quality public transport, but also safe, clean and green routes for walking and cycling.
Community identity
The Local Partnership want to support the individual identity and history of each town and village. A key part of this should be local events which celebrate this identity, and better communication of what's on across the area to support this.
Planning and environment
The Local Partnership want to be involved in, and influence, planning decisions, and are particularly interested in land ownership and use. The Partnership see this as key to supporting a clean and green area, which includes street cleanliness issues at a local level, but also wider green issues such as low carbon.
Community empowerment
The Local Partnership want communities to be involved in, and influencing, decision making about the area. This includes making sure communities are well informed about local issues and looking at ways to get people involved such as participatory budgeting.