Searching on "who has authority over the faa" found 985 results
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Gryffe has become the first secondary school in Renfrewshire to be award Gold by UNICEF UK's Rights Respecting School programme.
How to lodge an appeal if you are unhappy with the way your planning application has been dealt with, updates to your appeal.
Renfrewshire Council now has an Open Data platform, designed to give the whole community open access to the information it needs.
Renfrewshire's praised Winter Connections programme has returned with a brand-new programme of free fun activities and events.
The Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 gives us all a legal right of responsible access to most land and inland water in Scotland.
Scotland's first fifth-generation renewable energy network has won the Scottish Government -Delivering Excellence Award at the COSLA Excellence Awards.
Find helpful guidance and resources this Menopause Awareness Month
What fostering is and who can do it, information about becoming a foster carer, five great reasons to foster with us, steps to becoming a foster carer, foster carer...
What to do if you want to make a complaint about taxis or private car hire services licensed by the Council, what information we need and who to contact about it....