Searching on "มาตรฐานตําแหน่ง ผู้บริหารสถานศึกษา word" found 36 results
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Who this programme is for, what you will learn, how long it takes, delivery and assessment, how much it costs, and how to apply.
With the increased likelihood of severe weather, and a heightened risk to cyber security, it's important to be #RenReady for emergencies and adept at staying safe...
Digital skills training and support for Council staff, including in person support with digital and online learning for all skill levels and roles.
The leadership development programmes offer 3 levels to support our current and aspiring managers to develop leadership and business skills at every stage of your...
Who the support is for, the Veterans Welfare Service, the Armed Services Advice Project, Erskine Veterans Support, Community Covenant with Armed Forces.
Who this programme is for, what you will learn, how long it takes, delivery and assessment, how much it costs, and how to apply.
Who this programme is for, what you will learn, how long it takes, delivery and assessment, how much it costs, and how to apply.
Our new security and compliance manager, Cathie Fraser, introduces herself and shares 5 golden rules to help us all stay safe online.
Let us know about graffiti in a public place, what to do about graffiti on private property, service company property, utilities, bus shelters, roads, or pavements....
A glimpse at the efforts behind this major event that's over a year in the making.