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Searching on "standard deduction single age 18 earned income $7256 dependant on parent\'s return" found 666 results - Page 14 of 67

Record a change of forename or surname

Who can apply for a change to forename or surname, changes to birth certificates, who needs to sign the application form, how to apply, how much it costs, delays...

Whole Family Wellbeing Fund

A guide to Renfrewshire Children's Services Partnership Whole Family Wellbeing funding and how to apply.

Paisley Town Hall Redevelopment EQIA

Equality Impact Assessment for Paisley Town Hall

The Mirin Day Opportunities for adults with moderate to severe learning disabilities

What The Mirin Day Opportunities are, who the service is for, groups we run at The Mirin, make a referral, how to contact us.

Guide to additional support for learning (ASN)

Information on additional support needs for children and young people in a Renfrewshire nursery or school.

Care at home

What care at home is, what help you can get at home or in hospital, what we can help with, who can get free care and paying for care.

Advice for businesses in Renfrewshire

Where you can get advice and support if you're self-employed or have a business in Renfrewshire, trading standards advice and business rates relief.