Renfrewshire Council

Record a change of forename or surname

Who can apply for a change to forename or surname, changes to birth certificates, who needs to sign the application form, how to apply, how much it costs, delays to applications.

Who can apply for a change to forename or surname

Any person whose birth is registered in Scotland, or who was legally adopted in Scotland, can apply to record a change to forenames or surnames.

Recording changes of Forename and Surname leaflet explains the details of the process.

Any application for a change to be recorded in respect of a child under 16 years of age must be made by a qualified applicant who is defined as follows:

  • where only one parent has parental responsibilities in relation to the child, that parent;
  • where both parents have such responsibilities in relation to the child, both parents; or
  • where neither parent has such responsibilities, any other person who has such responsibilities.

If you are over 16 years of age, you can apply or a change to your forename or surname yourself.

Changes to birth certificates

Any birth certificate issued after the recording of the change of forename or surname will show the new forename and surname with the original forename and surname shown separately.

This does not apply to an application for the recording or change of forename for a child under 12 months of age.

Who needs to sign the application form

If the parents of a child were married at the time of the birth, or married after the birth, then both parents

  • have parental responsibilities for the child
  • should usually sign the application form.

Where the parents of a child are not married but both parents registered or re-registered the child's birth after 4 May 2006, both parents

  • have parental responsibilities for the child
  • should usually sign the application form.

If the parents are unmarried or only the mother's details appear on the birth entry, then you should include a parental responsibilities form with the application form.

How to apply

You will need to complete the relevant application form 

Send your completed application form and payment for the change of name and any full certificate or abbreviated certificate to:

National Records for Scotland
Change of Name Unit (Room 35)
New Register House

If you're paying by cheque or postal order, it should be crossed and made payable to The Registrar General.

How much it costs

The cos for recording a change of name is £40.

For family applications the fee is

  • £40 for the first family member
  • £10 for every other family member applied for at the same time.

A birth certificate costs £15.

An abbreviated birth certificate costs £15.

For two full and abbreviated certificates ordered at the same time costs £25.

Delays to applications

If there is a delay in processing your applications, it may be due to:

  • insufficient fees for the cost of the application
  • the absence of the signatures of both parents of the child where the parents of a child were married at the time of the child's conception
  • the absence of signatures of both parents, where the parents of the child have never married but where both parents registered or re-registered the child's birth on or after 4 May 2006
  • the absence of a parental responsibilities form where the parents of a child have never married and the mother has sole parental responsibilities
  • a form not signed or dated
  • completion of the wrong from
  • wrong payee on the cheque.