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Searching on "best way to kill roots in a sewer line" found 485 results - Page 14 of 49

New active travel route enhancing links to key employment sites in Renfrewshire

Safer walking, cycling and running to Glasgow Airport is now possible following the completion of a new active travel route along Barnsford Road in Renfrewshire....

Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy and Delivery Plan

See information about Renfrewshire Council's Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) and how you can read the strategy and delivery plan.

Housing service charges

Find out about services we provide to council tenants and some homeowners, charges, and paying for these services.

Social media: employee responsibilities

Guidance for council employees when using social media. It contains examples of safe use and how the council may address unacceptable behaviour.

Sheltered and very sheltered housing

What sheltered and very sheltered housing are, who provides sheltered housing in Renfrewshire, find out about your housing options.

Renfrewshire pupils celebrate results day and leaving school for their future careers

Pupils at St Benedict's High School in Linwood are among 4,000 pupils across Renfrewshire who have received their results today on their academic and vocational...

Approve or decline tasks on Business World

Who can approve or decline a task, tips for approving or declining tasks, rejections of tasks.

Improving the mental health of young people who use drugs and alcohol

Stories from young people on their struggles and the support they have received to help them turn their lives around.

Message from Chief Executive, Alan Russell, August 2024

Alan welcomes back our early learning and school colleagues and outlines the important employee engagement work taking place through our new forums and upcoming...

Renfrewshire launches new youth education and safety pilot

Renfrewshire Council's Community, Learning and Development team have launched a pilot initiative for young people aged 12 to 15 on keeping safe within their communities....