Message from Chief Executive, Alan Russell, August 2024
Alan welcomes back our early learning and school colleagues and outlines the important employee engagement work taking place through our new forums and upcoming all staff survey.
August marks the start of a new term for our early years and schools teams and I'd like to welcome you back after what I hope was an enjoyable and relaxing summer break. It's an exciting time with children starting nursery and primary school, young people starting secondary school, as well as this year's intake of newly qualified teachers joining us here in Renfrewshire. So welcome all!
Hopefully every young person in S4, S5 and S6 got the exam results they wanted on results day. It can be a nail-biting time, and I know as a parent how nerve wracking that can be for the whole family, but whatever the outcome there are so many ways to get into a future career - I am sure most of you have your own career stories.
And I know everyone - school staff, parents and carers - provide valuable support to our young people to help them reach their potential, thank you for everything you've done.
Events round-up
Despite the challenging summer weather, it's been great to see so many people turned out for events over the summer period. From the Gala Days to Sma' Shot Day and Renfrew Pipe Band competition, the visitor numbers are a great boost to our communities as we now look ahead to our award-winning Halloween event which we will be unveiling soon, so please watch this space.
Employee Engagement Forums
I'm delighted to announce that our new Employee Engagement forums will be starting soon. We've had a fantastic response from colleagues interested in being part of this platform to help us improve both our workplace and the overall employee experience. Our People and OD colleagues are in touch with Forum members and the first meetings for each service are likely to begin over the next few weeks.
Employee Engagement Survey
I'm very keen to build on the insights we'll learn from these forums and I want to ensure you all have an opportunity to share your thoughts and what matters to you, what's working well and importantly, what needs to improve. To help achieve this, we will launch our Employee Engagement Survey in Autumn with questions about all aspects of your employment experience such as your development, your health and well-being, your manager, your workplace and the council policies.
I sincerely encourage everyone to take part in the survey and I will provide more detail on this in my next update.
Best wishes,
Published Friday 23 August 2024