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Searching on "sp imei tool" found 65 results - Page 1 of 7

Team Up to Clean Up caddies and tools

Cleaning and gardening tools you can borrow to tidy your local area, including gritting gear for winter weather.

Team Up to Clean Up

What Team Up to Clean Up is; community litter picks; caddies and tools; reduce, reuse, recycle; The Clumps' Big Mess, litter and flytipping, road sweeping, gully...

Annual performance report for building standards

The annual performance report is a planning and strategic management tool that provides information about the building standards service, communicates the vision...

Talking about menopause and getting support at work

Find helpful guidance and resources this Menopause Awareness Month

Supporting colleagues with menopause

How we support colleagues with menopause, what it is, who it affects, support from your manager and at work, menopause leave.

Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) - Annual Reports

Find out what MAPPA is, read the annual report for the North Strathclyde area (including Renfrewshire), and read the annual report covering all of Scotland.

What Sustainable Communities Funding can be used for

What kind of projects we are looking for, what the funding can be used for, revenue and capital projects.

Digital Champions

Apply to be a digital champion and help build the digital skills of others through one-to-one support and small group training with colleagues.
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