Renfrewshire Council

Renfrewshire Council Plan 2022-2027

Our Council Plan sets out how we will work with partners, communities and business to to achieve lasting positive change across Renfrewshire.

"Creating a fairer Renfrewshire built on innovation, wellbeing and opportunity"

Renfrewshire's Council Plan sets out how we will work with partners, communities and business to progress our 5 strategic outcomes. It sits alongside our Community Plan to describe our vision for Renfrewshire.

The Council Plan runs from 2022 to 2027 but we refreshed it in 2024, to make sure our priorities were clear and focused and to reflect how quickly the context was changing.

The Council Plan has 5 strategic outcomes, these are place, economy, fair, green and living our values. Sitting alongside these is a cross-cutting theme of Improving outcomes for children and families. This runs through all 5 areas and underpins all that we do. Grouped under each strategic outcome are the high-level priorities we will focus on.

Read the Renfrewshire Council Plan [665KB] - there might be problems viewing this document in Google Chrome. Try downloading it or using a different web browser. 

Find out more about what we mean by our strategic outcomes in the Plan, with more detail about our priorities and the actions we will take to achieve lasting positive change across Renfrewshire.

You can also read about how we measure our progress and get an understanding of how we are doing with our  Council Plan Performance Framework. [866KB]