Renfrewshire Council

Renfrewshire Events Strategy 2025-2028

Information on Renfrewshire Council's Events Strategy and how to read the strategy for 2025 to 2028.

Renfrewshire has built up a reputation as an exciting events destination and a capable host. Our major events provide unforgettable experiences, and position Renfrewshire as a great place to live, work and invest. Our events bring our place to life—telling the story of who we are and generating a deep sense of civic pride.

This strategy offers the opportunity to share our ambitions for Renfrewshire's events programme— an inclusive, accessible, and innovative calling card for the region.

A programme of engagement was carried out to gain public and stakeholder input into the new events strategy. This research sought to hear stakeholder views and to understand what events are most important to them and what our priorities should be.

The initial consultation survey, carried out in September and October 2024, asked residents, visitors, local businesses and cultural groups, which events they attend, which ones they value and which are most important to them.

Respondents were also offered the chance to take part in further engagement sessions. Participants reviewed a presentation of the key findings from the survey and then discussions focused on their views and experiences of events and key issues for the Renfrewshire Events Strategy.

Read the  Renfrewshire Events Strategy for 2025 to 2028 [1MB] and the Renfrewshire Events Consultation Results [2MB] .