Community litter picks
What a community litter pick is, how to join or organise one your health and safety on a litter pick, what we are doing to keep Renfrewshire litter free.
What a community litter pick is
Community and local groups play a vital role in keeping our towns, villages and countryside clean and tidy.
Thousands of volunteers are working together with each other and us at the council to make Renfrewshire a cleaner, more vibrant place to live work and visit.
While the investment in the campaign allows us to increase our street cleaning and drain clearing, it also ensures we can support the community to do their bit too.
A local clean up is a great way to improve your neighbourhood and gets everyone in your community together.
Join or organise a community litter pick
If you are having a community clean up, or want to take part in one, get in touch
- phone 0300 300 1375
- email litterpicks@renfrewshire.gov.uk
- join our Team Up to Clean Up Facebook group.
If you would like to coordinate your own community litter pick, contact us and we will do a risk assessment and give you advice and support on carrying out a litterpick safely.
We will also remove all of the litter after it has been collected.
Planning your community litter pick
Who can organise a community clean-up, how to contact us to plan your event.
What equipment we'll provide for your clean-up, planning your event, insurance, hazardous waste, tell us about your event.
Use this poster to tell people locally about your planned community clean-up.
Use this flyer to tell people locally about your planned community clean-up.
Your health and safety on a community litter pick
You must make sure you've carried out a risk assessment in advance of a litter pick. We can provide you with a risk assessment to complete and return to us.
Members of the public should not pick up syringes (needles) or glass.
If you find a syringe, contact the Wardens Service on 0300 300 0300 detailing the location and they will arrange for safe removal.
You can also tell us online about a discarded syringe (needle).
Do not collect anything you consider to be potentially dangerous. Let our wardens know about it instead.
Litter picking at certain locations may be dangerous so make sure you have considered what you need to do to stay safe.
If you are not sure, do not carry out the litter pick. You may also need to get permission from landowners before carrying out a clean up.
You can get advice and support for your Community Litter Hub on the Keep Scotland Beautiful website.
What we are doing to keep Renfrewshire litter free
As a council, we are responsible for keeping roads, pavements, parks and other open space areas litter free.
We have an additional six litter pickers who work on a four-on, four-off shift basis and are each assigned to a specific area of Renfrewshire.
They tackle any litter issues in the area and also look to undertake additional tidying and cleaning of their area where possible.
Renfrew, Paisley and Johnstone town centres are litter picked every day.
We also have our wardens and Rapid Response Team patrolling Renfrewshire every day to clear our streets and try to ensure they are as litter free as possible.