GIRFEC National Practice Model
The National Practice Model has four main steps:
1. Observing and recording using the 'Wellbeing wheel'
Using the Wellbeing Indicators in the 'Wellbeing wheel' to record and share information that may indicate a need or concern. Take any early action at this stage if possible.
2. The 'My World' triangle
The My World Triangle helps practitioners understand a child or young person's whole world. It can be used to explore their experience at every stage, recognising there are connections between the different parts of their world. In assessment, it can be used to explore needs and risks.
3. The Resilience Matrix
Used in more complex situations, the Resilience matrix helps practitioners organise and analyse information when they need to.
4. Planning, action and review using the 'Wellbeing wheel'
When the child or young person's needs are clear, they can be summarised using the Wellbeing wheel to develop a plan for action.