The GIRFEC approach
The GIRFEC approach is about how practitioners across all services for children and adults meet the needs of children and young people, working together where necessary to ensure they reach their full potential.
It promotes a shared approach and accountability that:
- Builds solutions with and around children, young people and families
- Enables children and young people to get the help they need when they need it
- Supports a positive shift in culture, systems and practice
- Involves working better together to improve life chances for children, young people and families.
We want all our children and young people to be fully supported as they grow and develop. There are 8 areas of wellbeing which they need to progress to do well now and in the future.
Children's well-being is important at every stage of childhood. Every child needs to be healthy,achieving, nurtured, active, respected and responsible, and, above all, safe.
These are the eight indicators of well-being (SHANARRI) which are set within the 'four capacities' which are at the heart of the Curriculum for excellence.
Renfrewshire's GIRFEC policy is in place to make sure that children, young people and their families receive the help they need when they need it. As children and young people progress on their journey through life, some may have temporary difficulties, some may live with challenges and some may experience more complex issues. Sometimes they - and their families - are going to need help and support.
The Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) approach ensures that when we provide support, it is based on the level of need for each child.
The Getting it right for every child approach ensures that anyone providing that support puts the child or young person - and their family - at the centre.