High Rise Quality Circles and Sheltered Housing Quality Circle
Quality Circle is the name for our inspection programme carried out by residents and tenants at our high rise buildings and sheltered housing complexes.
There's two Quality Circle teams, who are made up of volunteer groups of tenants or residents.
There are four inspections carried out every year.
Volunteers don't inspect their own buildings.
Initial inspections highlight any issues to our housing services staff and the same Quality Circle team return to carry out a follow up inspection a few months later.
Volunteer for Quality Circle
To be part of Quality Circle you need to be aged 16 or older and live at one of our high rise buildings or sheltered housing complexes.
We provide transport to and from the building being inspected and each team member is asked to give around eight days a year to participate, with each inspection lasting a few hours.
Find out more by emailing us at tenantparticipation@renfrewshire.gov.uk.