Tenants' and Residents' Associations
Tenants and Residents Associations are volunteer groups, representing people living in a specific place, highlighting housing issues, promoting the interests of the people living here and providing feedback on policies and plans.
Tenants and Residents Associations
Tenants and Residents associations:
- Provide a collective voice for tenants and residents
- Act as a focus for consultation and drive change
- Develop extra services like lunch clubs and offer advice to other tenants and residents
- Hold regular meetings open to everyone in the association area and conduct their business through a smaller committee.
Tenants and Residents Associations in Renfrewshire
These are the Tenants and Residents Associations in Renfrewshire:
- Bridge of Weir
- Caledonia Glen (represents part of Caledonia Street and Glen Street, Paisley)
- Cochrane Castle
- Corseford
- Ferguslie Park North
- Glenburn
- Maxwellton Court
- Moorpark
- Provost Close
- Williamsburgh
- Woodside
Email us at tenantparticipation@renfrewshire.gov.uk for more details about these Tenants and Residents Associations currently operating in Renfrewshire.
Start a tenants and residents association
Tenants and residents associations are an important way to discuss local issues, create a sense of community and ensure your voice is heard by your landlord.
We share advice and information with tenants and residents associations in Renfrewshire to highlight what's happening across Council housing and welcome feedback on priorities and issues from communities.
We can also provide a small amount of funding to cover the running costs of associations in Renfrewshire.
Email us at tenantparticipation@renfrewshire.gov.uk for more details.