Renfrewshire Council

Antisocial behaviour

What antisocial behaviour is, what you can do about it, who to contact, what happens next, noise, CCTV, Neighbourhood Watch Scotland.

What antisocial behaviour is

Antisocial behaviour is acting or behaving in a way that causes alarm or distress to a person in another household.

It can include:

  • noise
  • shouting, swearing or fighting
  • intimidation, threats or harassment
  • abusive behaviour, verbal abuse or name calling
  • dumping rubbish
  • drug use or drug dealing
  • animal problems
  • damage to property, vandalism or graffiti.

What you can do about antisocial behaviour

If the issue is with a neighbour, speaking with them may help resolve the issue without us being involved. Make sure you feel comfortable approaching them and are not putting yourself or them at risk.

You can get advice from Citizens Advice Scotland about neighbour disputes, including noise, antisocial behaviour, boundary and garden disputes or damage and repairs. 

You can also look at getting independent legal advice (Citizens Advice Scotland website).

We also have a free mediation service that can help you resolve difficulties with your neighbours.

Remember to always keep yourself safe. 

Who to contact about antisocial behaviour

If you're a council tenant

Report antisocial behaviour in a domestic property to your local housing officer.

Call 0300 300 0222 and choose the option for your local housing office or email:

Your local housing officer will try to improve the situation, which may include mediation or speaking with you neighbours. 

If this doesn't resolve the issue, the local housing officer will escalate it to our Antisocial Behaviour Investigation Team.

Outside of office hours, contact our Community Safety Support Wardens on 0300 300 0380 (option 1) or email

If you're a housing association tenant

If you are a housing association tenant, contact your housing association in the first instance.

If you're a private tenant

You should speak to your landlord.

If your landlord can't help, you can contact our Community Safety Wardens on 0300 300 0380 (option 1) or email

If you're a private homeowner 

You can contact our Community Support Wardens on 0300 300 0380 (option 1) or email

What happens next

We'll investigate your complaint and if we consider it antisocial behaviour, we will work with your neighbour to change their behaviour. 

If other methods, like speaking to the people involved or mediation have not worked or if the person does not change their behaviour, we may take legal action, such as applying for an Antisocial Behaviour Order (ASBO).

You can remain anonymous when reporting antisocial behaviour, but this limits our options to resolve the issue

If you are responsible for antisocial behaviour

If you're responsible for antisocial behaviour, we'll work with you and provide support to help you change your behaviour. If the situation does not improve, we may need to take legal action.

Other antisocial behaviour

Contact our Community Support Wardens on 0300 300 0380 (option 1) or contact Police Scotland online or phone 101 to report antisocial behaviour in a public place including:

  • an ongoing disturbance
  • drug misuse or suspected drug dealing
  • other criminal activity.

The Council have no powers to deal with the smell of drugs on a premises.

Call 999 if it's an emergency.


If you have an issue with noise from a domestic premises, including excessive TV noise, dog barking or persistent DIY you can make a complaint to our Noise Enforcement Team.

If you are disturbed by burglar alarms or industrial and commercial noise you can make a complaint to our Environmental Improvements Team.

Use of domestic CCTV systems

We don't have any legal enforcement powers in relation to the use of CCTV in a domestic setting. 

You can find out more about the use of domestic CCTV systems on the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) website.

Neighbourhood Watch Scotland

Neighbourhood Watch Scotland brings local people together to address crime and other community safety issues. Neighbourhood Watch groups often liaise with the local police, the local authority and other agencies. 

Find out more about setting up a Neighbourhood Watch, or check if there's already one where you live, on the Neighbourhood Watch Scotland website.

If you don't have a Neighbourhood Watch, you can sign up for email alerts about issues affecting your area. You'll get advice on what to do and a point of contact for reporting the issue.

You can also get a copy of the Safer Neighbourhoods Stronger Communities booklet. It has practical tips on how to keep you, your family and your community safe - from protecting your home and possessions to helping your children use the internet safely.