Renfrewshire Council

Community Justice

What community justice is, what we're trying to achieve, how we're making this happen, how we know it's working

What Community Justice is

Community justice is protecting the community.

As well as delivering justice for the victims of offending and about making our communities feel safer, it's about working with people with convictions to give them the support and help they need to reduce the risk of re-offending.

What we're trying to achieve

By working together to support victims and families affected by crime, and supporting, managing and supervising people who have committed offences, we hope to encourage rehabilitation and reintegration back into the community.

How we're making this happen

A robust partnership approach is in place to ensure the most effective support system is in place for victims, families and those who have committed offences.

How we will know it's working

We'll review our plan each year so that we can measure success and ensure that the priorities are still the right ones for Renfrewshire.

This is our opportunity to create a better community for Renfrewshire.