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Searching on "standard deduction single age 18 earned income $7256 dependant on parent\'s return" found 667 results - Page 65 of 67

Paisley Townscape Heritage and Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme

A former grant scheme for building repairs and shopfront improvements, which aimed to improve historic properties and streetscape within the townscape heritage...

Fireworks and explosives

The law states that you must store and display your fireworks safely. In order to store fireworks, you must register your premises with us.

What you can use the grant to repair a private historic building for

Using the grant for structural and external repairs, restoring external architectural details, professional fees or contingencies, what you can't use the grant...

Factoring information for tenants and residents of council homes

Find out about the factoring register, factor responsibilities, complaints, customer satisfaction, and more.

Investigating accidents at work

Reporting accidents and ill health at work is a legal requirement under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 1995.

Paisley Learning and Cultural Hub wins prestigious property award

Paisley Learning and Cultural Hub has gained industry recognition after winning ESG Refurbishment of the Year at the Scottish Property Awards.

Message from Chief Executive, Alan Russell, April 2024

Alan Russell celebrates a significant milestone and provides an update on health and wellbeing, our support for colleagues with caring responsibilities, voter ID...

Working at Renfrewshire House offices

Current working arrangements, opening hours, what equipment is available, parking and evacuation info.

Message from Chief Executive, Alan Russell, June 2024

Alan Russell highlights the importance of cyber security in this pre-election period and provides an update on the recent Economy Conference, COSLA Excellence Awards,...