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Searching on "standard deduction single age 18 earned income $7256 dependant on parent\'s return" found 667 results - Page 47 of 67

What you must do if you are too sick to work

How to report sickness, what your manager will need to know, keeping in contact, self-certification, fit notes and unauthorised absences.

Paisley Halloween Festival 2024 - Access to Renfrewshire House

If you normally work at Renfrewshire House, please plan ahead and consider working from home where possible on Thursday 24 and Friday 25 October.

How many free nursery hours or childcare you can get

How many free hours you can get for early learning, nursery or childcare, how you can use your hours, pay for additional (wraparound) hours childcare.

How much Sustainable Communities Funding you can apply for

How much you should apply for, small, intermediate and large awards, applications for more than £100,000, funding subsidies.

How much sick pay you can get

The different types of sick pay and what you may be entitled to.

How to apply for a grant to repair a private historic building

How to apply for the grant, how we assess your application.

Accident and incident reporting

What to do, and who to contact when an accident or incident occurs at work.

Free summer activities to support Renfrewshire children and families during school holidays

A new summer holiday programme of free activities and experiences for children, young people and families has been launched.

Dog, cat and rabbit breeder licence

Who needs a licence, how to apply, conditions of the licence, if you are refused a licence.