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Searching on "standard deduction single age 18 earned income $7256 dependant on parent\'s return" found 667 results - Page 41 of 67

Make an enquiry about your address

Tell us if your are having problems with your address, how to have your address officially confirmed and how to change your property name or number.

Public notices of liquor (alcohol) licence applications

Current applications for premises licences (advert) and occasional licences (advert), how to make an objection or representation to a licence application.

Schedule of grass cutting and grounds maintenance

When we cut grass, hedges and open spaces, grass cutting schedule for 2024 to 2025.

Become a Community Councillor in Paisley East & Whitehaugh

Interim elections are currently underway.

Application forms and guidance for building warrants

What you need building warrants for, application forms and guidance, how to contact us.

Licence for children to work in the entertainment industry

How to apply for a licence for children to work in the entertainment industry, who needs to apply, what information and documents you need to provide.

Praise given to Trinity High School, Renfrew

Trinity High School received a positive inspection report from Education Scotland recently.

Pupil voices heard in Renfrewshire Council's debating chamber

Park Mains High pupils got a unique experience recently by holding their latest pupil senate in Renfrewshire Council's council chambers.

How to apply for Sustainable Communities Funding

What information we need, when to apply, how we will assess your application, applying for more than one grant, help with your application.