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Searching on "standard deduction single age 18 earned income $7256 dependant on parent\'s return" found 667 results - Page 33 of 67

Gypsy, Travellers and Travelling Show people Planning Advice Note EQIA

Equalities Impact Assessment for Gypsy Travellers and Travelling Show people Planning Advice, October 2016

Crowds take to Paisley High Street to Reclaim the Night

Hundreds of women and men took to the streets of Paisley to call for an end to violence against women and girls.

Making an insurance claim against the council

Making an insurance claim through your insurance company or directly to the council, what happens with your claim, how long it takes, liability, if you claim benefits,...

Petitions heard

Petitions heard by the Council including the reference number, name of petitioner, subject, board decision and date.

Permission for new or changed roads

You will need permission to make changes or create new roads, footways, cycle paths or other access If you have a new or redeveloped building, site or property...

Contact us

Online services and MyAccount, customer services, appointments at Renfrewshire House, how to make a complaint, compliment or suggestion.

Venues for marriage ceremonies

Where you can have a civil or religious marriage ceremony in Renfrewshire, getting married abroad.

Commercial waste services

Learn about commercial waste services from Renfrewshire Council, including general waste, recycling, and bulky waste collections.

Fees, charges and costs for council services

Council fees and charges for licences, certificates, permits, inspections, equipment and services.