Petitions heard
Petitions heard by the Council including the reference number, name of petitioner, subject, board decision and date.
Petition reference | Name of petitioner | Subject | Board decision and date | |
1-1-21-7-12 | Julie Black | To highlight the concerns of the community about the safety of the children attending the new campus for St David's and Cochrane Castle Primary schools. | 28th January, 2008 That the petition be referred to the relevant directors for further investigation. That the Director of Education and Leisure Services arrange that a site visit be held with Ms Black and 2 of her representatives, the local elected members and relevant officers of the council; and That a report be submitted to a future meeting of the Scrutiny and Petitions Board relative to the progress made. A report was submitted to the meeting of the Board held on 2nd March 2009. progress made noted and petitioner satisfied with action taken on all points. | |
1-1-21-7-15 | Mr J Kerr | Demanding that Renfrewshire Council provide 24 hour wardens in sheltered housing across Renfrewshire and that service be included in the rent. | 2nd February, 2009 That the petition be referred to the council's Housing and Community Safety Policy Board together with a report to include:- (a) Costings for the provision of 24 house wardens in sheltered housing. (b) The outcome of a mini review of the revised service. (c) An analysis of the reduction in the number of during the night call outs. | |
1-1-21-7-17 | Mr K J Pollard | Speeding on Johnshill, Lochwinnoch. | 2nd March, 2009 / 11 May, 2009 / 8 March, 2010 That the petition be referred to the Director of Planning & Transport to liaise with the community council and local elected members and Strathclyde Police with a view to convening a public meeting to consider the issues raised in the petition and all other relevant information on this matter, including available police statistics; and That a report be submitted to the Scrutiny & Petitions Board on the outcome of this meeting and the information considered. (a) That the results of the survey on Johnshill, Lochwinnoch, be noted and the driver feedback signs be retained for a further six months; and (b) That the driver feedback sign for south bound motorists be relocated further north on Johnshill. | |
1-1-21-7-18 | Ms M Maclaren | Publication of local events | 11th May, 2009 (a) That it be noted that this facility was already available on the council's website and that it would continue to be provided; and (b) That it be agreed that the Chief Executive's communications team take steps to advertise the availability of the service to local organisations and charities through existing channels such as the website and the Renfrewshire Magazine and in particular. (i) that the online directory held by Education & Leisure of local clubs and groups be used to send information about the facility to these groups; (ii) that the communications and new media team publicise the facility in a phased approach so that any increase in demand can be properly managed; and (iii) that a reference be included in the Renfrewshire Magazine to the website listings as a vehicle for groups to advertise to a large audience. | |
1-1 -21-7-19 | Ms M Smith | Siting of bus stop in Renfrew | 26th October, 2009 / 22 March 2010 That the matter be referred to the Director of Planning & Transport with the recommendation that the bus stop be relocated on a temporary basis to 33 Hairst Street, Renfrew, that the situation be monitored over the next six months and that a report be submitted to a future meeting of this Board. Following a subsequent petition, from Renfrew Traders Association, the Director of Planning and Transport is looking at alternatives that achieve the desired safety benefits sought in the petition whilst retaining parking spaces that are of major concern to the retailers and their customers. | |
1-1-21-7-20 | Mr J Kerr | Request for public consultation on leisure provision as relates to Johnstone and Elderslie | 25th January, 2010 No action taken. | |
1-1-21-7-23 | Mat Lavery | Halt Investment plans and consider alternative to retain swimming facilities at Elderslie and Johnstone Centre | 15th January, 2010 Considered together with petition by J Kerr No action taken. | |
1-1-21-7-24 | Del Shaw | Re-examine decision and keep both Elderslie and Johnstone pools open. | 15th January, 2010 Considered together with petition by J Kerr No action taken. | |
1-1-21-7-25 | Helen Osborne | Oppose proposals to close pools while issues considered and resolved. | 15th January, 2010 Considered together with petition by J Kerr No action taken. | |
1-1-21-7-26 | Dana Douglas | Demand that council keep Johnstone and Elderslie pools open. | 15th January, 2010 Considered together with petition by J Kerr No action taken. | |
1-1-21-7-27 | C Lindsay | Keep all existing sports facilities open including Johnstone and Elderslie swimming pools. | 15th January, 2010 Considered together with petition by J Kerr No action taken. | |
1-1-21-7-28 | F Stewart | Keep all existing sports facilities open including Elderslie and Johnstone swimming pools. | 15th January, 2010 Considered together with petition by J Kerr No action taken. | |
1-1-21-7-29 | John Watt | Objection to demolition of Johnstone and Elderslie pools. | 15th January, 2010 Considered together with petition by J Kerr No action taken. | |
1-1-21-7-30 | Ann Balfour | Keep swimming pools in Elderslie and Johnstone Centre. | 15th January, 2010 Considered together with petition by J Kerr No action taken. | |
1-1-21-7-31 | J Shiels | To lock cemetery gates at night. | Matter resolved no further action taken. | |
1-1-21-1-34 | Andrew Ramsay | Replacement of Zebra Crossings on Arkleston Road, Paisley with Pedestrian lighting | 22 March 2010 That the matter be referred to the Director of Planning & Transport with the recommendation that he arrange to investigate the installation of silent, pedestrian-controlled traffic signals, including design and costs, desire line survey, risk assessment, and speed measurements, and report to a future meeting of the Board. The Board noted that an upgrade to pelican crossings could be achieved at a cost of approximately £65,000 that these were the better option for this site and that the matter be referred to the Director of Planning and Transport with the recommendation that these be introduced as a matter of urgency when financial conditions allowed. | |
1-1-21-1-35 | Sam McKeown | Replace roundabouts at Endrick Drive and Arkleston Road, Paisley with traffic lighting | 22 March 2010 That the matter be referred to the Director of Planning & Transport with the recommendation that he makes the necessary arrangements to have the site revisited in order to investigate the possibility of installing traffic lights and report to a future meeting of the Board. 4 May 2010 Board agreed that the matter be referred to the Director of Planning and Transport with the recommendation that he consider instead further complementary traffic management measures to influence drivers behaviour on the approaches to the mini roundabouts. | |
1-1-21-1-37 | Nigel Willis | Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park | 25 October 2010 Continued to meeting of Board on 22nd November 2010 The Board agreed that the petition and report by the Director of Planning and Transport be referred, with the agreement of the Convener of the Park Authority, to the meeting of the Park Authority to be held on 3rd December, 2010 with the recommendation that the news expressed in the petition and the need for consideration of fitness for purpose of current land use policies concerning the Regional Park be referred to the subsequent meeting of the Convener of the Park Authority and the Leaders of the three constituent authorities. | |
1-1-21-1-38 | Pauline Shaw | Speed reduction measures, Talisman Road, Foxbar, Paisley | 25 October 2010 The petition was referred to the Director of Planning and Transport with the recommendation that the speed bumps on Talisman Road which had been removed previously be reconstructed and that any additional measures, including signs and white lining be considered as appropriate. | |
1-1-21-1-39 | Liz Thomson | Speed reduction measures, Houston Road, Crosslee | 25 October 2010 That the petition be referred to the Director of Planning and Transport with the recommendations (a) that the review of speed limits being undertaken throughout Renfrewshire be noted; (b) that, in the meantime, the issues raised in the petition be discussed at the two-weekly liaison meetings with the police to determine what measures could be taken prior to the outcome of the review; and (c) that a further report be submitted to the Board once the review had concluded. At meeting of the Board held on 7th February 2011 it was noted that the review had indicated that 30mph was appropriate for this section of Houston Road. Strathclyde Police had indicated that they would give consideration to some enforcement at this site with support of recorded speeds from a driver feedback sign, once available. | |
1-1-21-1-40 | Joe Shannon | Parking problem, Renfrew | 6 December 2010 That the petition be referred to the Director of Planning and Transport with the recommendation that the matter be included in the next Capital Programme. | |
1-1-21-1-41 | Iain Dunn | Road repairs, Lochwinnoch | 7 February 2011 That the petition be referred to the Director of Planning and Transport with the recommendation that as these roads have some problems that are typical of housing roads of the period he considers addressing the condition of the roads depending on the budget allocation for 2011/2012 and in line with other priorities on the Renfrewshire road network, and that the Director of Planning and Transport report the outcome of his consideration of the petition to members of the Board. | |
1-1-21-1-42 | Margaret Clayton | Closure of centres at Whitehaugh and Westlane Gardens | 7 February 2011 The the petition be referred to the Director of Social Work with the recommendation that he take account of the views expressed in the petition in formulating his recommendations to the Community and Family Care Policy Board in relation to the day services review. | |
1-1-21-1-43 | Jimmy Kerr | Council service and spending levels | 7 February 2011 That no action be taken on this petition as it would be illegal for the Council to budget for a deficit. | |
1-1-21-1-44 | David Mellor | Six month restriction on petitions | 7 February 2011 That a report be submitted to a future meeting of the Board on other local authorities practices in relation to time limits for consideration of petitions and that the clarity of the information provided to members of the public in relation to the submission of petitions be reviewed. A review of the petition process was considered by the Board at its meeting held on 12th September, 2012 together which an action plan which was approved. | |
1-1-21-1-45 | Louise Crawford | Concern re reduction in classroom assistants | 16 May 2011
29 October 2012 The Board noted revised arrangements which had been implemented with effect from August, 2011 and that there were no outstanding issues and no further causes for concern had been raised. | |
1-1-21-1-46 | Mr and Mrs Kellewell | Traffic on Woodside and Killallan Avenues, Bridge of Weir | 12 September 2011 25 September 2012
The Board notes that all affected residents would receive a letter advising of the outcome of the consultation on the traffic regulation order process and offering each white lining across or opposite their driveways as appropriate. | |
1-1-21-1-47 | Mrs Rae Brady | Renfrewshire for Peace - No guns, no knives, no weapons, no war | 7 November 2011 That the Board broadly agreed with the sentiments of the petition and (a) that the Democratic Services Manager assist the petitioner to correct any inaccuracies in the petition, and thereafter that the petition be forwarded to the Scottish Government, and local MSPs and to the UK Government and local MPs in terms of their respective responsibilities; and (b) that the petition be referred to the Director of Education and Leisure with the recommendation that he submit a report to a future meeting of the Education Policy Board on what was being done currently by schools in relation to raising children's awareness of knife and gun crime. | |
1-1-21-1-48 | Hawkhead and Lochfield Community Council | Riverside Bus Service 70 to Lower Lochfield Road | 12 December 2011
15 November 2012 Director of Planning and Transport advised that SPT had confirmed that the service was no being covered with a subsidised service operated by Riverside. | |
1-1-21-1-49 | Ms A Cuthbertson | St Catherine's Primary School Crossing | 16 April 2012 That the Director of Environmental Services clarify, with immediate effect the position in relation to the attendance of the existing school crossing patrol; That the Head of Roads and Transport conduct the further survey as indicated in the report; and That arrangements be made to ensure that information on the outcome of the further survey was provided to pupils and parents via the Headteacher. | |
1-1-21-1-50 | Mr W David | X36 Bus Service | 16 April 2012
25 September 2012
Its was noted that Strathclyde Partnership of Transport had contacted bus operators in Renfrewshire, three of whom had responded indicating that they were not in a position to provide any further services. The Board agreed that a letter be issued to SPT and to the bus operators intimating the Board's disappointment at this response. | |
1-1-21-7-51 | Mr J Haggerty | Bus Shelter, Johnstone | 16 April 2012
25 September 2012
The Board noted that the bus stop would be relocated from its temporary position to a new location outside the vacant property at 48 Graham Street, Johnstone and that a bus shelter would not be installed at this location at this time. | |
1-1-21-7-52 | T Stirling | Open Space Green Areas | 25 September 2012 That the petition be referred to the Director of Environmental Services with the recommendation that resident's concerns in relation to (1) lack of consistency in the treatment of grass arisings and (2) fly tipping of for example tyres in areas which should be monitored be investigated and addressed as appropriate, including monitoring arrangements.
| |
| T Lock | Castlewalls Farm, Midton Road, Howwood | 25 September 2012 The Board agreed (a) that the petition be referred to the Director of Planning and Transport with the recommendation that the gate remain in situ subject to assurance that access is available in terms of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2013; and (b) that the petition be referred to the Director of Environmental Services with a recommendation that details of how to progress a community clean up be provided to Dr Lock and that the landowner on whose land it had been alleged that asbestos had been dumped, be contacted with the necessary information in relation to appropriate treatment and disposal. | |
| S McLean | CCTV Skye Crescent, Paisley | 11 February 2013 That the petition be referred to the relevant Director with the recommendations (a) that a fixed CCTV system at Skye Crescent shops be considered when suitable funding was available, the petitioner having indicated that this had been promised previously at a meeting of the local neighbourhood forum; and (b) that in the meantime, consideration be given to the use of a mobile CCTV arrangement which the petitioner indicated would be acceptable. | |
| E Cosgrove | Grass Cutting, open space, Cochrane Castle, Johnstone | 15 April 2013 That the petition be referred to the Director of Community Resources with the recommendation that the matter be reconsidered in consultation with local tenants' and residents' associations and the community council. | |
1-1-21-7-56 | Ms M Wilson | Resurfacing of Road and Walkway between Newmains Road and Cocklesloan, Renfrew | 23 September 2013
That the Petition by referred to the Director of Community Resources with the recommendation that the are to which the petition be referred be included in next years programme. | |
1-1-21-7-57 | J McBride | To raise awareness of the poor conditions of the road leading to Mavisbank Terrace | 2nd December, 2013 - That the petition be referred to the Director of Community Resources for her consideration when the 2014/15 programme was being developed. | |
1-1-21-7-58 | P Higgins | Grass Cutting, Glenapp Avenue, Paisley | 2nd December, 2013 - That the petition be referred to the Director of Community Resources for further investigation. | |
1-1-21-7-59 | C Richards | Speed Restriction on Barrhead Road | 2nd December, 2013 - That the petition be referred to the Director of Community Resources for further investigation. | |
1-1-21-7-60 | J Stevenson | Allocation of Vacant Tenancy | 2nd December, 2013 - That the petition was not heard as it was invalid in terms of paragraphs 3(d)(i) Petitions about complaints or issues that should go through our normal procedures (iii) petitions about personal or business interest (vi) Petitions which could be defamatory or discriminatory and (vii) petitions which accused someone of breaking the law or codes of practices. | |
1-1-21-7-61 | PETITION NOT VALID | |||
1-1-21-7-62 | PEITION NOT VALID | |||
1-1-21-7-62 | Mr M Lawrie | Traffic Speed, Kilmacolm Road, Bridge of Weir | 10th February, 2014 - That the petition be referred to the Director of Community Resources with the recommendations (a) that consideration be given to measures such as additional road markings, rumble strips, and a permanent driver feedback signal noting that these measures required to be designed and costed; and (b) that the Camera Safety Partnership be asked to consider whether the location was suitable for a speed camera. | |
1-1-21-7-62 | PETITION NOT VALID | |||
1-1-21-7-63 | Removal of a tenant | PETITION NOT VALID | ||
1-1-21-7-64 | Hunterhill Care Home | PETITION NOT VALID | ||
1-1-21-7-65 | Ms Park | Sandy Road, Renfrew | 16th February 2014 - That the petition be continued for a site visit. Consideration of the petition resumed at the meeting of the Board held on 21 September, 2015 when it was agreed that the petition be referred to the Director of Community Resources with the recommendation that consideration be given to converting the two existing zebra crossings on Sandy Road at Broadloan and Sandy Road at Newmains Road to pedestrain controlled traffic lights. | |
1-1-21-7-66 | Ms Quigley | Bus Stop, Trident House, Renfrew | 30th March, 2015 - That the petition be continued for a site visit. Consideration of the petition resumed at the meeting of the Board held on 21 September, 2015 when it was agreed that the petition be referred to the Director of Community Resources with the recommendation that no action be taken on moving the bus stop and that the survey to determine the routes people used near the bus stop including the roundabout to the retail park and the slip road to the M8 motorway continue to be progressed. | |
1-1-21-7-67 | Ms Campbell | Speed Bumps, Tiree Avenue, Renfrew | 21st September, 2015 - That the petition be continued for a site visit. | |
1-1-21-7-68 | PETITION NOT VALID | |||
1-1-21-7-69 | PETITION NOT VALID |