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Searching on "bluetooth audio receiver" found 328 results - Page 31 of 33

#YouDecide - giving you the power over decision making

What #YouDecide is, how it worked, submitting your ideas, what happened next, successful projects what happens next, questions about #YouDecide.

Jobs, training and apprenticeships

Find a job or training course, apply for an apprenticeship, if you're aged between 16 and 24, if you have autism or a learning disability, if you've been made redundant,...

Apply for the Winter Connections Fund

What Winter Connections is, what funding is available, what you can and can't use the grant for, how to apply, our decisions on funding, if you're awarded funding,...

Bees and wasps

What kind of insect it is, if the problem is with bees or wasps, before you ask for treatment of a wasps' nest, how to ask for it, after you've asked for pest control....

Message from Chief Executive, Alan Russell, October 2024

Alan celebrates recent success, discusses his visits to local schools, outlines our workplace survey next steps and looks ahead to an exciting Halloween weekend...

Help with the cost of living

Help with paying your bills, mortgage, rent or housing costs; benefits you could claim; pension credit; emergency and crisis payments, money for food; free school...

Colleague Christmas Charity appeals

Join your colleagues supporting charitable causes and make a difference for those in need.

Free school meals and holiday meal payments for primary pupils

What the offer is, who can get it and when you get it.

Help if you're homeless or could become homeless

If you are homeless right now, or you're worried you could become homeless, phone us. We'll help you start the process of finding a home.

Crisis Grants

What a Crisis Grant is, who can get the grant, how to apply, how we make our decision, how we pay the grant, ask us to review our decision.