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Searching on "who has authority over the faa" found 985 results - Page 28 of 99

Sustainable Communities Fund

What the fund is, what it can be used for, who can apply for it, how much you can apply for, how to apply, if you get funding.

Local Place Plans

What Local Place Plans are, who can submit them, how they'll influence our new Local Development Plan, and how you can get involved.

Cultural Organisations Development Fund (CODF)

About the Cultural Organisations Development Fund, what can be funded, who can apply, steps before you apply, key dates, how to apply and people to contact.

Culture, Heritage and Events Fund (CHEF)

About the Culture, Heritage and Events Fund, what can be funded, who can apply, steps before you apply, key dates, how to apply and people to contact.

Renew your civil marriage or civil partnership vows

What a renewal of vows ceremony is, where you can have the ceremony, how much it costs, what documents you need to provide, who conducts the ceremony, what documents...

Ask us to review a Scottish Welfare Fund decision

Who can ask for a review of a Crisis Grant or Community Care Grant decision, what you can ask for, how to ask for a review, if you are not satisfied with the outcome...

Pay, salaries and other payments for council staff

Pay dates and payroll deadlines, salary scales and salary adjustments., and who to contact about pay, tax, insurance, pensions, other salary payments, overtime,...

Council tax reductions

Who can apply for a council tax reduction, apply online, Second Adult Rebate, review your council tax reduction, if you get too much council tax reduction.

Emergency contact numbers

Who to contact if it's an emergency, for non-emergencies, emergency alerts, medical help and advice, flooding, power cuts, gas emergencies, water issues, council...

Prepare for winter or severe weather

How to find your nearest grit bin, request a grit bin refill, how to prepare for flooding, where to find flood warnings and how to avoid frozen or burst pipes and...